Source code for axonius_api_client.api.wizards.wizard

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Parser for AQL queries and GUI expressions from python objects."""
import logging
from typing import List, Optional, Tuple, Union

from ...constants.fields import ALL_NAME, CUSTOM_FIELDS_MAP, Operator, OperatorTypeMaps
from ...constants.logs import LOG_LEVEL_WIZARD
from ...constants.wizards import (
from ...exceptions import WizardError
from ...logs import get_obj_log
from ...parsers.wizards import WizardParser
from import check_type, listify

[docs]class Wizard: """Parser for AQL queries and GUI expressions from python objects. Examples: Create a ``client`` using :obj:`axonius_api_client.connect.Connect` and assume ``apiobj`` is either ``client.devices`` or ``client.users`` >>> apiobj = client.devices # or client.users Define some entries to parse >>> entries = [ ... { ... 'value': 'hostname contains test', ... 'type': 'simple', ... }, ... { ... 'value': 'installed_software // name contains chrome // version earlier_than 82', ... 'type': 'complex' ... }, ... ] Parse the entries into a query and GUI expressions >>> parsed = apiobj.wizard.parse(entries=entries) >>> list(parsed) ['expressions', 'query'] Get the query produced by the wizard >>> query = parsed["query"] >>> query[:80] '( == regex("test", "i")) and (' Get the GUI expressions produced by the wizard >>> expressions = parsed["expressions"] >>> expressions[0]['filter'] '( == regex("test", "i"))' >>> expressions[1]['filter'][:80] 'and ( == match([(name == regex("chrome", "i' Use the query to get assets >>> assets = apiobj.get(query=query) >>> len(assets) 2 Use the query to get a count of assets >>> count = apiobj.count(query=query) >>> count 2 Use the query and expressions to create a saved query that the GUI understands >>> sq = apiobj.saved_query.add(name="test", query=query, expressions=expressions) """ DOCS: str = Docs.DICT
[docs] def __init__(self, apiobj, log_level: Union[str, int] = LOG_LEVEL_WIZARD): """Query wizard builder. Args: apiobj (:obj:`axonius_api_client.api.assets.asset_mixin.AssetMixin`): Asset object log_level: logging level for this object """ self.LOG: logging.Logger = get_obj_log(obj=self, level=log_level) """Logger for this object.""" self.APIOBJ = apiobj """:obj:`axonius_api_client.api.assets.asset_mixin.AssetMixin`: Asset object.""" self.PARSER = WizardParser(apiobj=apiobj) """:obj:`axonius_api_client.parsers.wizards.WizardParser`: Value parser.""" self._init()
[docs] def parse(self, entries: List[dict], source: str = Sources.LOD) -> dict: """Parse a list of entries into a query and the associated GUI query wizard expressions. Args: entries: list of entries to parse source: where entries came from """ check_type(value=entries, exp=(list, tuple), exp_items=dict) entries = [x for x in entries if x] entries = self._parse_entries(entries=entries, source=source) exprs = self._parse_exprs(entries=entries) query = Expr.get_query(exprs=exprs) return {Results.EXPRS: exprs, Results.QUERY: query}
[docs] def _parse_entries(self, entries: List[dict], source: str) -> List[dict]: """Parse a list of entries into a query and the associated GUI query wizard expressions. Args: entries: list of entries to parse source: where entries came from Raises: :exc:`axonius_api_client.exceptions.WizardError`: if an entry fails to be parsed """ is_open, tracker = False, 0 for idx, entry in enumerate(entries): src = f"{source} entry #{idx + 1}/{len(entries)}" entry[Entry.SRC] = entry.get(Entry.SRC, src) try: self._check_entry_keys(entry=entry, keys=Entry.REQ) etype = entry[Entry.TYPE] entry[Entry.TYPE] = self._check_entry_type(etype=etype, types=Types.DICT) entry, is_open, tracker = self._parse_flags( entry=entry, idx=idx, entries=entries, is_open=is_open, tracker=tracker, ) except Exception as exc: err = f"Error parsing entry from {src}:\n{exc}" raise WizardError("\n".join([err, self.DOCS, err])) return entries
[docs] def _parse_flags( self, entry: dict, idx: int, entries: List[dict], tracker: int, is_open: bool ) -> dict: """Parse flags from an entry. Args: entry: entry to parse with `Entry.VALUE` key idx: index of this entry entries: all entries tracker: tracker for `Entry.WEIGHT` key is_open: parenthesis are currently open """ value_raw = entry[Entry.VALUE] flags = listify(entry.get(Entry.FLAGS) or []) flags, value = self._split_flags(value_raw=value_raw, flags=flags) entry[Entry.VALUE] = value entry[Entry.FLAGS] = flags is_last = len(entries) - 1 == idx msgs = [ f"parsing flags of entry {idx + 1}/{len(entries)}", f"flags={entry[Entry.FLAGS]}", f"is_open={is_open}", f"tracker={tracker}", ] if is_open and Flags.LEFTB in entry[Entry.FLAGS]: prev_idx = idx - 1 msgs += [ f"is_open=True but {Flags.LEFTB} in flags", f"adding {Flags.RIGHTB} to previous entry flags", ] entries[prev_idx][Entry.FLAGS].append(Flags.RIGHTB) if not is_open and Flags.RIGHTB in entry[Entry.FLAGS]: entry[Entry.FLAGS].append(Flags.LEFTB) entry[Entry.WEIGHT] = -1 tracker = 0 msgs += [ f"is_open=False but {Flags.RIGHTB} in flags", f"adding {Flags.LEFTB} to this entries flags", "set final weight=-1", "set tracker=0", ] if is_open: tracker += 1 entry[Entry.WEIGHT] = tracker msgs += ["increment tracker", f"set weight={tracker}"] if not is_open and Flags.LEFTB not in entry[Entry.FLAGS]: msgs += ["set final weight=0"] entry[Entry.WEIGHT] = 0 if Flags.LEFTB in entry[Entry.FLAGS]: msgs += ["set weight=-1", "set tracker=0", "set is_open=True"] entry[Entry.WEIGHT] = -1 tracker = 0 is_open = True if Flags.RIGHTB in entry[Entry.FLAGS]: msgs += ["set is_open=False", "set tracker=0"] is_open = False tracker = 0 if is_last and is_open and Flags.RIGHTB not in entry[Entry.FLAGS]: msgs += [ "last entry but bracket is left open", "set tracker=0", f"adding {Flags.RIGHTB} to last entries flags", ] entry[Entry.FLAGS].append(Flags.RIGHTB) tracker = 0 msgs.append(f"final weight={entry[Entry.WEIGHT]}") self.LOG.debug("\n".join(msgs)) return entry, is_open, tracker
[docs] def _parse_exprs(self, entries: List[dict]) -> List[dict]: """Parse a list of entries into GUI expressions. Args: entries: list of entries to parse Raises: :exc:`axonius_api_client.exceptions.WizardError`: if an entry fails to be parsed """ exprs = [] for idx, entry in enumerate(entries): src = f"entry #{idx + 1}/{len(entries)}" src = entry.get(Entry.SRC, src) try: method = getattr(self, f"_parse_{entry[Entry.TYPE]}") exprs.append(method(entry=entry, idx=idx)) except Exception as exc: err = f"Error parsing expression from {src}:\n{exc}" raise WizardError("\n".join([err, self.DOCS, err])) return exprs
[docs] def _parse_simple(self, entry: dict, idx: int) -> dict: """Parse an entry of type simple into GUI expressions. Args: entry: entry to parse idx: index of this entry """ value_raw = entry[Entry.VALUE] field, operator, value = self._split_simple(value_raw=value_raw) field = self._get_field(value=field, value_raw=value_raw) operator = self._get_operator(operator=operator, field=field, value_raw=value_raw) aql_value, expr_value = self.PARSER( enum=field.get("enum", []), enum_items=field.get("items", {}).get("enum"),, value=value, ) query = operator.template.format(field=field[Fields.NAME], aql_value=aql_value) expr = entry=entry, field=field, idx=idx, value=expr_value, op_comp=operator.name_map.op, field_name_override=operator.field_name_override, query=query, ) return expr
[docs] def _parse_complex(self, entry: dict, idx: int) -> dict: """Parse an entry of type complex into GUI expressions. Args: entry: entry to parse idx: index of this entry Raises: :exc:`axonius_api_client.exceptions.WizardError`: if sub expr fails to parse """ value_raw = entry[Entry.VALUE] field, subs_raw = self._split_complex(value_raw=value_raw) field = self._get_field_complex(value=field, value_raw=value_raw) sub_exprs = [] for sub_idx, sub_raw in enumerate(subs_raw): try: sub_expr = self._parse_sub(field=field, idx=sub_idx, value_raw=sub_raw) sub_exprs.append(sub_expr) except Exception as exc: raise WizardError(f"Error parsing sub field from '{value_raw}'\n{exc}") sub_queries = Expr.get_subs_query(sub_exprs=sub_exprs) query = Templates.COMPLEX.format(field=field[Fields.NAME], sub_queries=sub_queries) expr = entry=entry, field=field, idx=idx, query=query, value=None, op_comp="", children=sub_exprs, is_complex=True, ) return expr
[docs] def _parse_sub(self, field: dict, value_raw: str, idx: int) -> dict: """Parse sub expression of an entry of type complex. Args: field: complex field schema value_raw: the value split from the complex filter line idx: index of this entry Raises: :exc:`axonius_api_client.exceptions.WizardError`: if sub-field supplied is not a valid sub-field of the complex field """ sub_field, operator, sub_value = self._split_simple(value_raw=value_raw) field_subs = {x[Fields.NAME]: x for x in field[Fields.SUBS]} if sub_field not in field_subs: fname = field[Fields.NAME] valid = ", ".join(list(field_subs)) err = ( f"Unable to find SUB-FIELD named {sub_field!r} of COMPLEX field {fname}" f" from value '{value_raw}'\n\nValid sub_fields: {valid}" ) raise WizardError(err) sub_field = field_subs[sub_field] operator = self._get_operator(operator=operator, field=sub_field, value_raw=value_raw) aql_value, expr_value = self.PARSER( enum=sub_field.get("enum", []), enum_items=sub_field.get("items", {}).get("enum"),, value=sub_value, ) query = operator.template.format(field=sub_field[Fields.NAME], aql_value=aql_value) expr = Expr.build_child( field=sub_field[Fields.NAME], idx=idx, value=expr_value, op_comp=operator.name_map.op, query=query, ) return expr
[docs] def _split_flags( self, value_raw: str, flags: Optional[List[str]] = None ) -> Tuple[List[str], str]: """Parse an expression and get the flags from the beginning and end. Args: value_raw: the value to get the flags from flags: flags from the entry Raises: :exc:`axonius_api_client.exceptions.WizardError`: if value is empty after removing flags """ value = value_raw flags = flags or [] pattern = Patterns.FLAGS.pattern match = self.LOG.debug(f"Value {value_raw!r} regex match {match} using pattern {pattern}") check_right = [f" {Flags.RIGHTB}", Flags.RIGHTB] if match: groups = match.groupdict() self.LOG.debug(f"Parsed value {value_raw!r} into {groups}") if not groups.get("value"): raise WizardError(f"Empty value after parsing {value_raw!r} into {groups}") value = groups.get("value") flags += [x.strip() for x in list(groups.get("flags", []) or []) if x.strip()] for check in check_right: if value.endswith(check): plen = len(check) value = value[:-plen] flags.append(Flags.RIGHTB) break return flags, value
[docs] def _split_simple(self, value_raw: str) -> Tuple[str, str, str]: """Split a simple query wizard expression into field, operator, and value. Args: value_raw: the raw unparsed value to parse """ splitter = Entry.SPLIT split = value_raw.split(splitter, maxsplit=2) field = "" operator = "" value = "" if split: field = split.pop(0).strip() self.LOG.debug(f"Got field {field!r} from {split} from '{value_raw}'") if split: operator = split.pop(0).lower().strip() self.LOG.debug(f"Got operator {operator!r} from {split} from '{value_raw}'") if split: value = split.pop(0).lstrip() self.LOG.debug(f"Got value {value!r} from {split} from '{value_raw}'") self._check_patterns( value_raw=value_raw, value=field, src="FIELD", patterns=Patterns.FIELD, ) self._check_patterns( value_raw=value_raw, value=operator, src="OPERATOR", patterns=Patterns.OP, ) return field, operator, value
[docs] def _split_complex(self, value_raw: str) -> Tuple[str, List[str]]: """Split a complex query wizard expression into field and sub-field expressions. Args: value_raw: the raw unparsed value to parse """ splitter = Entry.CSPLIT if splitter not in value_raw: raise WizardError(f"No {splitter} found in value '{value_raw}'") split = value_raw.split(splitter) field = "" subs_raw = [] if split: field = split.pop(0).strip() self.LOG.debug(f"Got complex field {field!r} from {split} from '{value_raw}'") if split: subs_raw = [x.lstrip() for x in split if x.lstrip()] self.LOG.debug(f"Got sub fields {subs_raw!r} from {split} from '{value_raw}'") self._check_patterns( value_raw=value_raw, value=field, src="FIELD", patterns=Patterns.FIELD, ) self._check_patterns(value_raw=value_raw, value=subs_raw, src="SUB-FIELD(s)", patterns=[]) return field, subs_raw
[docs] def _get_operator(self, operator: str, field: dict, value_raw: str) -> Operator: """Validate the supplied operator for an expression for the type of field. Args: operator: operator supplied by user field: field schema to check that operator is valid for value_raw: raw unparsed value where operator and field came from """ err = f"Invalid OPERATOR name {operator!r} from value '{value_raw}'\n\n" return OperatorTypeMaps.get_operator(operator=operator, field=field, err=err)
[docs] def _get_field(self, value: str, value_raw: str) -> dict: """Find a field schema for the supplied field name. Args: value: name of field to find schema for value_raw: raw unparsed value where field name came from Raises: :exc:`axonius_api_client.exceptions.WizardError`: if field can not be found or is "all" field """ try: field = self.APIOBJ.fields.get_field_name( value=value, key=None, fields_custom=CUSTOM_FIELDS_MAP, ) except Exception as exc: msg = f"Unable to find FIELD named {value!r} from value '{value_raw}'" raise WizardError(f"{msg}\n\n{exc}\n\n{msg}") if field[Fields.IS_ALL]: name = field[Fields.NAME] raise WizardError(f"Can not use {name!r} field in queries") return field
[docs] def _get_field_complex(self, value: str, value_raw: str) -> dict: """Find a field schema for the supplied complex field name. Args: value: name of complex field to find schema for value_raw: raw unparsed value where complex field name came from Raises: :exc:`axonius_api_client.exceptions.WizardError`: if field can not be found, is not a complex field, or is "all" field """ try: field = self.APIOBJ.fields.get_field_name( value=value, key=None, fields_custom=CUSTOM_FIELDS_MAP, ) except Exception as exc: msg = f"Unable to find COMPLEX-FIELD named {value!r} from value '{value_raw}'" raise WizardError(f"{msg}\n\n{exc}\n\n{msg}") if field[Fields.NAME] == ALL_NAME: raise WizardError(f"Can not use {ALL_NAME!r} field in queries") if not field[Fields.IS_COMPLEX]: aname = field[Fields.ANAME] fname = field[Fields.NAME] afields = self.APIOBJ.fields.get()[aname] schemas = [ x for x in afields if x[Fields.IS_COMPLEX] and not x[Fields.IS_ALL] and not x[Fields.IS_DETAILS] ] msg = [ f"Invalid COMPLEX-FIELD {fname!r} for adapter {aname!r}, valids:", *self.APIOBJ.fields._prettify_schemas(schemas=schemas), ] raise WizardError("\n".join(msg)) return field
[docs] def _check_entry_type(self, etype: str, types: List[str]) -> str: """Check that a supplied entry type is valid. Args: etype: entry type to check types: valid entry types to check etype against Raises: :exc:`axonius_api_client.exceptions.WizardError`: if etype is not on of types """ etype = etype.lower().strip() if etype not in types: valid = ", ".join(types) raise WizardError(f"Invalid type {etype!r}, valid types: {valid}") return etype
[docs] def _check_entry_keys(self, entry: dict, keys: List[str]) -> dict: """Check that an entry has the required keys. Args: entry: entry to check keys against keys: list of keys that entry must have Raises: :exc:`axonius_api_client.exceptions.WizardError`: if key is not in entry, value is empty, or value is not a string """ for key in keys: if key not in entry: found = ", ".join(list(entry)) raise WizardError(f"Missing required key {key!r}, found keys: {found}") value = entry[key] if not value: raise WizardError(f"Empty required key {key!r} with value {value}") if not isinstance(value, str): vtype = type(value).__name__ raise WizardError( f"Invalid type {vtype} for required key {key!r} with value {value}" ) return entry
[docs] def _check_patterns(self, value_raw: str, value: str, src: str, patterns: List[str]): """Check that a value matches a list of regex patterns. Args: value_raw: raw unparsed value where value came from value: value to check patterns against src: identifier of what value represents patterns: list of regex patterns to check value against Raises: :exc:`axonius_api_client.exceptions.WizardError`: if value is empty or does not match one of the patterns """ if not value: raise WizardError(f"Empty required {src} as {value!r} from value '{value_raw}'") for check in patterns: match = if not match: continue chars = "".join(list(match.groups())) raise WizardError( f"Using regex: {check.pattern}\n" f"Found invalid characters '{chars}' in {src} from value '{value}' " f"from '{value_raw}'" )
[docs] def _init(self): """Post init setup.""" pass