Source code for axonius_api_client.api.assets.labels

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""API for working with tags for assets."""
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from typing import List, Optional, Union

from import listify
from .. import json_api
from ..api_endpoints import ApiEndpoints
from ..mixins import ChildMixins

[docs]class Labels(ChildMixins): """API for working with tags for the parent asset type. Examples: * Get all known tags: :meth:`get` * Add tags to assets: :meth:`add` * Remove tags from assets: :meth:`remove` See Also: * Device assets :obj:`axonius_api_client.api.assets.devices.Devices` * User assets :obj:`axonius_api_client.api.assets.users.Users` """
[docs] def get(self) -> List[str]: """Get all known tags. Examples: Get all known tags for this asset type >>> import axonius_api_client as axonapi >>> connect_args: dict = axonapi.get_env_connect() >>> client: axonapi.Connect = axonapi.Connect(**connect_args) >>> apiobj: axonapi.api.assets.AssetMixin = client.devices >>> # or client.users or client.vulnerabilities >>> apiobj.labels.get() ['tag1', 'tag2', 'tag3'] """ return [x.value for x in self._get()]
[docs] def get_expirable_names(self) -> List[str]: """Get all known expirable tags. Examples: Get all known expirable tags for this asset type >>> import axonius_api_client as axonapi >>> connect_args: dict = axonapi.get_env_connect() >>> client: axonapi.Connect = axonapi.Connect(**connect_args) >>> apiobj: axonapi.api.assets.AssetMixin = client.devices >>> # or client.users or client.vulnerabilities >>> apiobj.labels.get_expirable_names() ['tag1', 'tag2'] """ return [x.value for x in self._get_expirable_names()]
[docs] @staticmethod def _set_expirable_tags(expirations: dict) -> List[dict]: """ Get dict with tags as keys and expiration date as values expiration date can be as either - date as a string (YYYY-MM-DD) - int specify the "days from now" Converts it to a List of dicts for each tag Args: expirations: Dict with tag name and tag expiration date {'tag1': '2024-01-01', 'tag2': 5} Returns: List of dicts, each dict contains single tag name and tag expiration date [{'name': 'tag1', 'expiration_date': '2024-01-01'}, ...] """ expirable_tags: list = [] if not expirations: return expirable_tags for tag_name, tag_expiration_date in expirations.items(): if isinstance(tag_expiration_date, int) or tag_expiration_date.isdigit(): tag_expiration_date = int(tag_expiration_date) tag_expiration_date = str( + timedelta(days=tag_expiration_date)) elif isinstance(tag_expiration_date, str): # If the format is not correct, an exception will be raised datetime.strptime(tag_expiration_date, '%Y-%m-%d') expirable_tags.append({ 'name': tag_name, 'expiration_date': tag_expiration_date, }) return expirable_tags
[docs] def add( self, rows: Union[List[dict], str], labels: List[str], invert_selection: bool = False, expirable_tags: Optional[dict] = None, ) -> int: """Add tags to assets. Examples: Get some assets to tag >>> import axonius_api_client as axonapi >>> connect_args: dict = axonapi.get_env_connect() >>> client: axonapi.Connect = axonapi.Connect(**connect_args) >>> apiobj: axonapi.api.assets.AssetMixin = client.devices >>> # or client.users or client.vulnerabilities >>> rows = apiobj.get(wiz_entries=[{'type': 'simple', 'value': 'name equals test'}]) >>> len(rows) 1 >>> apiobj.labels.add( rows=rows, labels=['api tag 1', 'api tag 2'], expirable_tags={'api tag 1': '2024-01-25', 'api tag 2': 5}, ) 1 Args: rows: list of internal_axon_id strs or list of assets returned from a get method labels: tags to add invert_selection: True=add tags to assets that ARE NOT supplied in rows; False=add tags to assets that ARE supplied in rows expirable_tags: Dict with tag name and expiration_date (string or int) as keys - expiration_date as string is a date (YYYY-MM-DD) - expiration_date as int is days from now """ ids = self._get_ids(rows=rows) expirable_tags: List[dict] = self._set_expirable_tags(expirations=expirable_tags) return self._add(labels=labels, ids=ids, include=not invert_selection, expirable_tags=expirable_tags).value
[docs] def _add( self, labels: List[str], ids: List[str], include: bool = True, expirable_tags: List[dict] = None, ) -> json_api.generic.IntValue: """Direct API method to add labels/tags to assets. Args: labels: tags to process ids: internal_axon_id of assets to add tags to include: True=add tags to assets that ARE supplied in rows; False=add tags to assets that ARE NOT supplied in rows expirable_tags: List of dicts, each dict with tag name and expiration_date """ api_endpoint = ApiEndpoints.assets.tags_add entities = {"ids": listify(ids), "include": include} request_obj = api_endpoint.load_request( entities=entities, labels=listify(labels), expirable_tags=expirable_tags, ) return api_endpoint.perform_request( http=self.auth.http, request_obj=request_obj, asset_type=self.asset_type )
[docs] def remove(self, rows: List[dict], labels: List[str], invert_selection: bool = False) -> int: """Remove tags from assets. Examples: Get some assets to un-tag >>> import axonius_api_client as axonapi >>> connect_args: dict = axonapi.get_env_connect() >>> client: axonapi.Connect = axonapi.Connect(**connect_args) >>> apiobj: axonapi.api.assets.AssetMixin = client.devices >>> # or client.users or client.vulnerabilities >>> data = apiobj.get(wiz_entries=[{'type': 'simple', 'value': 'name equals test'}]) >>> len(data) 1 >>> apiobj.labels.remove(rows=data, labels=['api tag 1', 'api tag 2']) 1 Args: rows: list of internal_axon_id strs or list of assets returned from a get method labels: tags to remove invert_selection: True=remove tags from assets that ARE NOT supplied in rows; False=remove tags from assets that ARE supplied in rows """ ids: List[str] = self._get_ids(rows=rows) return self._remove(labels=labels, ids=ids, include=not invert_selection).value
[docs] def _remove( self, labels: List[str], ids: List[str], include: bool = True ) -> json_api.generic.IntValue: """Direct API method to remove labels/tags from assets. Args: labels: tags to process ids: internal_axon_id of assets to remove tags from include: True=remove tags from assets that ARE supplied in rows; False=remove tags from assets that ARE NOT supplied in rows """ api_endpoint = ApiEndpoints.assets.tags_remove entities = {"ids": listify(ids), "include": include} request_obj = api_endpoint.load_request(entities=entities, labels=listify(labels)) return api_endpoint.perform_request( http=self.auth.http, request_obj=request_obj, asset_type=self.asset_type )
[docs] @staticmethod def _get_ids(rows: Union[List[dict], str]) -> List[str]: """Get the internal_axon_id from a list of assets. Args: rows: list of internal_axon_id strs or list of assets returned from a get method """ return [x["internal_axon_id"] if isinstance(x, dict) else x for x in listify(rows)]
# noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences @property def asset_type(self) -> str: """Get the asset type of the parent AssetMixin.""" return self.parent.ASSET_TYPE
[docs] def _get(self) -> List[json_api.generic.StrValue]: """Direct API method to get all known labels/tags.""" api_endpoint = ApiEndpoints.assets.tags_get return api_endpoint.perform_request(http=self.auth.http, asset_type=self.asset_type)
[docs] def _get_expirable_names(self) -> List[json_api.generic.StrValue]: """Direct API method to get all known expirable labels/tags.""" api_endpoint = ApiEndpoints.assets.tags_get_expirable_names return api_endpoint.perform_request(http=self.auth.http, asset_type=self.asset_type)