Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Base classes for data types."""
import dataclasses
import datetime
import enum
from typing import Any, List, Union

from .exceptions import ApiError

[docs]class BaseEnum(enum.Enum): """Base class for enums.""" def _generate_next_value_(name, *args): """Get the next enum value in iterators.""" return name def __str__(self): """Pass.""" return str(self.value)
[docs] def _enums(self, lower: bool = True) -> List[Any]: """Pass.""" ret = [self,, self.value] if lower: ret.append( if isinstance(self.value, str): ret.append(self.value.lower()) return ret
[docs] def value_matches(self, value: Any, lower: bool = True) -> bool: """Pass.""" return (value.lower() if isinstance(value, str) and lower else value) in self._enums( lower=lower )
[docs] @classmethod def get_value(cls, value: Union["BaseEnum", str]) -> "BaseEnum": """Pass.""" if isinstance(value, cls): return value for item in cls: if value in [, item.value]: return item valids = "\n" + "\n".join([repr(x) for x in cls]) raise ApiError(f"Invalid {cls.__name__} value {value!r}, valids:{valids}")
[docs] @classmethod def get_obj_by_value( cls, value: Any, match_name: bool = True, match_value: bool = True, match_obj: bool = True, ) -> "BaseEnum": """Pass.""" for item in cls: if match_obj and item == value: return item if match_name and == value: return item if match_value and item.value == value: return item valids = "\n" + "\n".join([repr(x) for x in cls]) raise ApiError(f"Invalid {cls.__name__} value {value!r}, valids:{valids}")
[docs] @classmethod def get_name_by_value(cls, value: Any, **kwargs) -> str: """Pass.""" return cls.get_obj_by_value(value=value, **kwargs).name
[docs] @classmethod def get_value_by_value(cls, value: Any, **kwargs) -> str: """Pass.""" return cls.get_obj_by_value(value=value, **kwargs).value
[docs] @classmethod def keys(cls) -> List[str]: """Pass.""" return [ for x in cls]
[docs] @classmethod def values(cls) -> List[str]: """Pass.""" return [x.value for x in cls]
[docs] @classmethod def to_dict(cls) -> dict: """Pass.""" return { x.value for x in cls}
[docs]class BaseData: """Base class for dataclasses."""
[docs] def to_dict(self) -> dict: """Get this dataclass object as a dictionary.""" return dataclasses.asdict(self)
[docs] def replace(self, **kwargs) -> "BaseData": # pragma: no cover """Pass.""" return dataclasses.replace(self, **kwargs)
[docs] @staticmethod def _human_key(key): """Pass.""" return key.replace("_", " ").title()
[docs] @classmethod def get_fields(cls) -> List[dataclasses.Field]: """Get a list of fields defined for current this dataclass object.""" return dataclasses.fields(cls)
[docs]class PropsData(BaseData): """Pass.""" raw: dict
[docs] def __str__(self): """Pass.""" return getattr(self, "_str_join", "\n").join(self.to_str_properties())
[docs] def __repr__(self): # pragma: no cover """Pass.""" return repr(self.__str__())
[docs] def to_str_properties(self) -> List[str]: """Pass.""" return [f"{self._human_key(x)}: {getattr(self, x)}" for x in self._properties]
[docs] def to_dict(self, dt_obj: bool = False) -> dict: """Pass.""" def get_val(prop): value = getattr(self, prop) if not dt_obj and isinstance(value, datetime.datetime): return str(value) return value ret = {k: get_val(k) for k in self._properties} return ret