5. Contribution¶
We welcome all contributions to axonius-api-client.
5.1. Support¶
For any support requests, bug reports, or feature requests you can:
Open an issue in the issue tracker
Send an email support@axonius.com
5.2. Reporting Issues¶
When reporting issues, please include information for:
Output of
axonshell tools sysinfo
Tracebacks of any exceptions
Log file
5.3. Submitting Patches¶
All patches should be submitted as pull requests on the GitHub project.
Clearly explain what you’re trying to accomplish.
Include tests for any changes.
Ensure the full Testing Suite runs without any errors before submitting a pull request.
Ensure the test coverage reports 100% before submitting a pull request.
Follow PEP 8.
Use isort and black to format your code and flake8, pydocstyle, and bandit to lint your code:
$ isort \
axonius_api_client setup.py shell.py
$ black \
-l 100 \
axonius_api_client setup.py shell.py
$ pydocstyle \
--match-dir='(?!examples).*' \
axonius_api_client setup.py shell.py
$ flake8 \
--max-line-length 100 \
axonius_api_client setup.py shell.py
$ bandit \
-x axonius_api_client/examples,axonius_api_client/tests \
--skip B101 \
-r \
5.4. Testing Suite¶
axonius-api-client uses pytest as it’s test suite.
To run the tests, create a .env file with the connection information:
$ echo 'AX_URL=x' >> .env
$ echo 'AX_KEY=x' >> .env
$ echo 'AX_SECRET=x' >> .env
You can also supply the connection information as arguments to pytest ala:
$ pytest --ax-url=x --ax-key=x --ax-secret=x ...
Then run the full test suite and generate test coverage in html format to cov_html/index.html:
$ pytest \
-ra \
--verbose \
--cov-config=.coveragerc \
--cov-report=html:cov_html \
--cov=axonius_api_client \
--showlocals \
--exitfirst \
5.4.1. Supported Python versions¶
Latest versions of 3.7, 3.10, and 3.11
Microsoft Windows, macOS, Linux
Python 2.7 reached its end-of-life on 01/01/2020, and therefore is no longer supported as of API client v2.2.0.
5.4.2. Tested Python versions¶
Python 3.7.8 64 bit
Python 3.10.8 64 bit
Python 3.11.0 64 bit
Operating Systems:
macOS 12.6.1 (Monterey)
Ubuntu Linux 18.04.05 64 bit (using “ubuntu-18.04.5-desktop-amd64.iso”)
Ubuntu Linux 22.04.01 64 bit (using “ubuntu-22.04.1-desktop-amd64.iso”)
Microsoft Windows 10 x64
Microsoft Windows 11 x64
Microsoft Windows Server 2016 x64
Microsoft Windows Server 2019 x64
Microsoft Windows Server 2022 x64
Last Updated: 2022/11/01
5.5. Release Strategy¶
- Micro releases: 1.0.x
A micro release is done for any change that does not modify any existing API method.
Any scripts that utilize this API library will work with new micro releases with no changes.
- Minor releases: 1.x.0:
A minor release is only done when an API method is removed or its signature changes.
Any scripts that utilize this API library will work with new minor releases, although some minor changes may be required.
- Major releases: x.0.0:
A major release is only done for architectural and model changes to the API client library.
Any scripts that utilize this API library might not work with new major releases.