Viewing Section and Sub-Section ValuesΒΆ

Now that we know how to see all the sections and sub-sections we can work with. Lets take a look at one and see how it is currently configured. For this example, lets take a look at email_settings. This section contains sub-sections for smtpAuth and oauthAuth``.

$ axonshell system settings-global get | grep "Section Name"

- Section Name: 'email_settings'
--- Sub Section Name: 'smtpAuth'
--- Sub Section Name: 'oauthAuth'

To take a look at how it is currently configured, we can run another simple command that will output the current settings in text format.

$ axonshell system settings-global get-section --section "email_settings"

- Section Name: 'email_settings'
- Section Title: Global Settings: Email Settings

    Name: enabled
    Title: Send emails
    Type: 'bool'
    Value: enabled=True

    Name: smtpHost
    Title: Email host
    Type: 'string'
    Value: smtpHost='services.axonius.lan'

    Name: smtpPort
    Title: Port
    Type: 'integer'
    Value: smtpPort=25

    Name: conditional
    Title: SMTP Authentication type
    Type: 'string'
    Value: conditional='smtpAuth'

    Name: smtpAuth
    Title: Smtpauth
    Type: 'array'
    Value: smtpAuth={'smtpPassword': None, 'smtpUser': None}

    Name: oauthAuth
    Title: Oauthauth
    Type: 'array'
    Value: oauthAuth={'smtpAuthEmail': None, 'smtpClientID': None, 'smtpClientSecret': None, 'smtpRefreshToken': None, 'smtpoAuthURL': None}

    Name: use_ssl
    Title: Use SSL for connection
    Type: 'string'
    Value: use_ssl='Unencrypted'

    Name: ca_file
    Title: CA file
    Type: 'file'
    Value: ca_file=None

    Name: cert_file
    Title: Certificate file
    Type: 'file'
    Value: cert_file=None

    Name: private_key
    Title: Private key file
    Type: 'file'
    Value: private_key=None

    Name: sender_address
    Title: Sender address
    Type: 'string'
    Value: sender_address=None

    Name: compress_email_attachments
    Title: Compress email attachments
    Type: 'bool'
    Value: compress_email_attachments=False

--- Sub Section Name: 'smtpAuth'
--- Sub Section Title: Global Settings: Email Settings: Smtpauth

      Name: smtpUser
      Title: User name
      Type: 'string'
      Value: smtpUser=None

      Name: smtpPassword
      Title: Password
      Type: 'string'
      Value: smtpPassword=None

--- Sub Section Name: 'oauthAuth'
--- Sub Section Title: Global Settings: Email Settings: Oauthauth

      Name: smtpAuthEmail
      Title: OAuth authentication email
      Type: 'string'
      Value: smtpAuthEmail=None

      Name: smtpClientID
      Title: OAuth client ID
      Type: 'string'
      Value: smtpClientID=None

      Name: smtpClientSecret
      Title: OAuth client secret
      Type: 'string'
      Value: smtpClientSecret=None

      Name: smtpRefreshToken
      Title: OAuth refresh token
      Type: 'string'
      Value: smtpRefreshToken=None

      Name: smtpoAuthURL
      Title: OAuth URL
      Type: 'string'
      Value: smtpoAuthURL=None

Like most of our commands, we provide multiple formats to work with the data in. By default viewing settings defaults to text mode as stated above but we can easily change that.

$ axonshell system settings-global get-section --section "email_settings" \
  --export-format json-config

  "ca_file": null,
  "cert_file": null,
  "compress_email_attachments": false,
  "conditional": "smtpAuth",
  "enabled": false,
  "oauthAuth": {
    "smtpAuthEmail": null,
    "smtpClientID": null,
    "smtpClientSecret": null,
    "smtpRefreshToken": null,
    "smtpoAuthURL": null
  "private_key": null,
  "sender_address": "system@axonius.com",
  "smtpAuth": {
    "smtpPassword": null,
    "smtpUser": null
  "smtpHost": null,
  "smtpPort": null,
  "use_ssl": "Unencrypted"