Modifying ValuesΒΆ

Viewing settings is all well and good but modifying settings is even better. You are able to modify full sections at once or individual sub-sections. In both cases they can be updated via either command line parameters or using a json file. The related commands are update-section, update-section-from-json, update-sub-section and update-sub-section-from-json as seen here.

$ axonshell system settings-global --help

Usage: axonshell system settings-global [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Group: Global Settings.

  --help  Show this message and exit.

  configure-destroy             Enable or disable dangerous API endpoints.
  get                           Get all settings.
  get-section                   Get settings for a section.
  get-sub-section               Get settings for a subsection.
  update-section                Update a section from arguments.
  update-section-from-json      Update a section from a JSON file.
  update-sub-section            Update a subsection from arguments.
  update-sub-section-from-json  Update a subsection from a JSON file.

If you are looking to update a section or sub-section using only command line parameters, one of the commands you could use would be the update-sub-section command.

$ axonshell system settings-global update-sub-section --help

Usage: axonshell system settings-global update-sub-section

  Update a subsection from arguments.

  -u, --url URL                   URL of an Axonius instance  [env var:
                                  AX_URL; required]
  -k, --key KEY                   API Key (or username if credentials=True) of
                                  user in an Axonius instance  [env var:
                                  AX_KEY; required]
  -s, --secret SECRET             API Secret (or password if credentials=True)
                                  of user in an Axonius instance  [env var:
                                  AX_SECRET; required]
  -xf, --export-format [json-full|json-config|str]
                                  Format of to export data in  [env var:
                                  AX_EXPORT_FORMAT; default: str]
  -se, --section TEXT             Settings section internal name (not title)
                                  [env var: AX_SECTION; required]
  -sb, --sub-section TEXT         Settings sub section internal name (not
                                  title)  [env var: AX_SUB_SECTION; required]
  -c, --config SPLIT_EQUALS       Configuration keys in the form of key=value
                                  (multiples)  [env var: AX_CONFIG]
  --help                          Show this message and exit.

Here is an example:

$ axonshell system settings-global update-sub-section --section "email_settings" \
--config "sender_address=no-reply@yourdomain.com"

To update a section or sub-section using json from a file you could use the update-sub-section-from-json command.

$ axonshell system settings-global update-sub-section-from-json --help

Usage: axonshell system settings-global update-sub-section-from-json

  Update a subsection from a JSON file.

  -u, --url URL                   URL of an Axonius instance  [env var:
                                  AX_URL; required]
  -k, --key KEY                   API Key (or username if credentials=True) of
                                  user in an Axonius instance  [env var:
                                  AX_KEY; required]
  -s, --secret SECRET             API Secret (or password if credentials=True)
                                  of user in an Axonius instance  [env var:
                                  AX_SECRET; required]
  -xf, --export-format [json-full|json-config|str]
                                  Format of to export data in  [env var:
                                  AX_EXPORT_FORMAT; default: str]
  -se, --section TEXT             Settings section internal name (not title)
                                  [env var: AX_SECTION; required]
  -sb, --sub-section TEXT         Settings sub section internal name (not
                                  title)  [env var: AX_SUB_SECTION; required]
  -if, --input-file FILENAME      File to read (from path or piped via STDIN)
                                  [env var: AX_INPUT_FILE; default: -]
  --help                          Show this message and exit.

Using what you learned from the previous chapter, you could get the config for a sub-section in json-config format and save it in a file. Then update that file to the desired configuration. So if you wanted to update the sub-section smtpAuth it would look something like this:

$ axonshell system settings-global update-sub-section-from-json --section "email_settings" \
--sub-section "smtpAuth" --input-file "./smtp_auth_settings.json"

Where smtp_auth_settings.json would be a file containing the json object you wanted to set that sub-section to such as:

  "smtpPassword": "example_password",
  "smtpUser": "example_user"