4.4.2. User assets

API for working with user assets.

class axonius_api_client.api.assets.users.Users(auth, log_level='debug', **kwargs)[source]

Bases: AssetMixin

API for working with user assets.


For all examples for this asset type, create a client using axonius_api_client.connect.Connect and assume apiobj is client.users

>>> apiobj = client.users
  • auth (axonius_api_client.auth.model.AuthModel) –

  • log_level (typing.Union[int, str]) –

ASSET_TYPE: str = 'users'
property fields_default: List[str]

Fields to use by default for getting assets.

get_by_usernames(values, **kwargs)[source]

Build a query to get assets where FIELD_USERNAME in values.

Return type:

typing.Union[typing.Generator[dict, None, None], typing.List[dict]]

get_by_username_regex(value, **kwargs)[source]

Build a query to get assets where FIELD_USERNAME regex matches value.

Return type:

typing.Union[typing.Generator[dict, None, None], typing.List[dict]]

get_by_username(value, **kwargs)[source]

Build a query to get assets where FIELD_USERNAME == value.

Return type:

typing.Union[typing.Generator[dict, None, None], typing.List[dict]]

get_by_mails(values, **kwargs)[source]

Build a query to get assets where FIELD_MAIL in values.

Return type:

typing.Union[typing.Generator[dict, None, None], typing.List[dict]]

get_by_mail_regex(value, **kwargs)[source]

Build a query to get assets where FIELD_MAIL regex matches value.

Return type:

typing.Union[typing.Generator[dict, None, None], typing.List[dict]]

get_by_mail(value, **kwargs)[source]

Build a query to get assets where FIELD_MAIL == value.

Return type:

typing.Union[typing.Generator[dict, None, None], typing.List[dict]]

FIELD_USERNAME: str = 'specific_data.data.username'

User Name field.

FIELD_MAIL: str = 'specific_data.data.mail'

Mail field.

FIELD_DOMAIN: str = 'specific_data.data.domain'

Domain field.

FIELD_IS_ADMIN: str = 'specific_data.data.is_admin'

Is Admin field.

FIELD_MAIN: str = 'specific_data.data.username'

Field name of the main identifier.

FIELDS_API: t.List[str] = ['internal_axon_id', 'adapters', 'labels', 'adapter_list_length']

Field names that are always returned by the REST API no matter what fields are selected

FIELD_ADAPTERS: str = 'adapters'

Field name for list of adapters on an asset.

FIELD_ADAPTER_LEN: str = 'adapter_list_length'

Field name for count of adapters on an asset.

FIELD_AXON_ID: str = 'internal_axon_id'

Field name for asset unique ID.

FIELD_LAST_SEEN: str = 'specific_data.data.last_seen'

Field name for last time an adapter saw the asset.

FIELD_SIMPLE: str = 'specific_data.data.username'

Field name of a simple field.

FIELD_TAGS: str = 'labels'

Field name for getting tabs (labels).

LOG: logging.Logger = None

Logger for this object.

__init__(auth, log_level='debug', **kwargs)

Mixins for API Models.

  • auth (axonius_api_client.auth.model.AuthModel) – object to use for auth and sending API requests

  • log_level (typing.Union[int, str]) – logging level to use for this objects logger

  • **kwargs – passed to _init()


Show info for this model object.

Return type:



Show info for this model object.

Return type:


_build_query(inner, not_flag=False, pre='', post='')

Query builder with basic functionality.


It is better to use wizard, wizard_text, or wizard_csv to build queries!

  • inner (str) – inner query portion to wrap in parens and prefix with not

  • not_flag (bool) – prefix query with ‘not’

  • pre (str) – query to add to the beginning of the query

  • post (str) – query to add to the end of the query

Return type:


_count(request_obj=None, http_args=None, **kwargs)

Direct API method to get the count of assets using a request object.

Return type:


_destroy(destroy, history)

Private API method to destroy ALL assets.

  • destroy (bool) – Must be true in order to actually perform the delete

  • history (bool) – Also delete all historical information

Return type:


_get(request_obj=None, offset=0, limit=2000, http_args=None, **kwargs)

Private API method to get a page of assets using a request object.

Return type:



Private API method to get the full metadata of all adapters for a single asset.


id (str) – asset to get all metadata for

Return type:



Private API method to get all known historical dates.

Return type:



Post init method for subclasses to use for extra setup.


Post init method for subclasses to use for overriding auth setup.

_run_enforcement(name, ids, include=True, fields=None, query='')

Run an enforcement set manually against a list of assets internal_axon_ids.

  • name (str) – Name of enforcement set to execute

  • ids (t.List[str]) – internal_axon_id’s of assets to run enforcement set against

  • include (bool, optional) – select IDs in DB or IDs NOT in DB

  • fields (t.Optional[t.List[str]], optional) – list of fields used to select assets

  • query (str, optional) – filter used to select assets


Empty response

Return type:


classmethod asset_modules()


Return type:


classmethod asset_types()


Return type:


auth: AuthModel = None

Authentication model with bound Http object to use for requests.

static build_count_request(request_obj=None, remove_unknown_arguments=True, warn_unknown_arguments=True, **kwargs)

Build a request object for a get asset count request.

  • request_obj (typing.Optional[axonius_api_client.api.json_api.assets.count_request.CountRequest]) – request object to use

  • remove_unknown_arguments (bool) – remove unknown arguments from kwargs

  • warn_unknown_arguments (bool) – warn about unknown arguments

  • **kwargs – passed to load_request()

Return type:


static build_get_request(request_obj=None, offset=0, limit=2000, remove_unknown_arguments=True, warn_unknown_arguments=True, **kwargs)

Build a request object for a get assets request.

  • request_obj (typing.Optional[axonius_api_client.api.json_api.assets.asset_request.AssetRequest]) – request object to use

  • offset (typing.Optional[int]) – offset to start at

  • limit (typing.Optional[int]) – number of assets to return

  • remove_unknown_arguments (bool) – remove unknown arguments from kwargs

  • warn_unknown_arguments (bool) – warn about unknown arguments

  • **kwargs – passed to load_request()

Return type:


count(query=None, history_date=None, history_days_ago=None, history_exact=False, wiz_entries=None, wiz_parsed=None, history_date_parsed=None, use_cache_entry=False, frontend_sent_time=None, query_id=None, saved_query_id=None, request_obj=None, http_args=None, sleep=0.5, **kwargs)

Get the count of assets from a query.


>>> import axonius_api_client as axonapi
>>> connect_args: dict = axonapi.get_env_connect()
>>> client: axonapi.Connect = axonapi.Connect(**connect_args)
>>> apiobj: axonapi.api.assets.AssetMixin = client.devices
>>>       # or client.users or client.vulnerabilities
Get count of all assets
>>> path: int = apiobj.count()
Get count of all assets for a given date
>>> path: int = apiobj.count(history_date="2020-09-29")
Get count of assets matching a query built by the GUI query wizard
>>> use_query: str = '(specific_data.data.name == "test")'
>>> path: int = apiobj.count(query=use_query)
Get count of assets matching a query built by the API client query wizard
>>> entries: str = 'simple name equals test'
>>> path: int = apiobj.count(wiz_entries=entries)
Same as above but using a list of dicts instead of a string for wiz_entries
>>> entries: t.List[dict] = [{'type': 'simple', 'path': 'name equals test'}]
>>> path: int = apiobj.count(wiz_entries=entries)
Return type:


count_by_saved_query(name, **kwargs)

Get the count of assets for a query defined in a saved query.


>>> import axonius_api_client as axonapi
>>> connect_args: dict = axonapi.get_env_connect()
>>> client: axonapi.Connect = axonapi.Connect(**connect_args)
>>> apiobj: axonapi.api.assets.AssetMixin = client.devices
>>>       # or client.users or client.vulnerabilities
Get count of assets returned from a saved query
>>> count: int = apiobj.count_by_saved_query(name="test")
Get count of assets returned from a saved query for a given date
>>> count: int = apiobj.count_by_saved_query(name="test", history_date="2020-09-29")
  • name (str) – saved query to get count of assets from

  • kwargs – supplied to count()

Return type:


property data_scopes

Work with data scopes.

destroy(destroy, history)

Delete ALL assets.


Enable the Enable API destroy endpoints setting under Settings > Global Settings > API Settings > Enable advanced API settings for this method to function.

  • destroy (bool) – Must be true in order to actually perform the delete

  • history (bool) – Also delete all historical information

Return type:


property enforcements

Work with enforcements.

get(generator=False, **kwargs)

Get assets from a query.


>>> import axonius_api_client as axonapi
>>> connect_args: dict = axonapi.get_env_connect()
>>> client: axonapi.Connect = axonapi.Connect(**connect_args)
>>> apiobj: axonapi.api.assets.AssetMixin = client.devices
>>>       # or client.users or client.vulnerabilities
Get all assets with the default fields defined in the API client
>>> assets: list[dict] = apiobj.get()
Get all assets using a generator
>>> assets: list[dict] = list(apiobj.get(generator=True))
Get all assets and include more fields
>>> fields: list[str] = ["os.type", "aws:aws_device_type"]
>>> assets: list[dict] = apiobj.get(fields=fields)
Get all assets and include fields that fuzzy match names and no default fields
>>> fields_fuzzy: list[str] = ["last", "os"]
>>> assets: list[dict] = apiobj.get(fields_fuzzy=fields_fuzzy, fields_default=False)
Get all assets and include fields that regex match names a
>>> fields_regex: list[str] = ["^os\."]
>>> assets: list[dict] = apiobj.get(fields_regex=fields_regex)
Get all assets and include all root fields for an adapter
>>> assets: list[dict] = apiobj.get(fields_root="aws")
Get all assets for a given date in history and sort the rows on a field
>>> assets: list[dict] = apiobj.get(history_date="2020-09-29", sort_field="name")
Get all assets with details of which adapter connection provided the aggregated data
>>> assets: list[dict] = apiobj.get(include_details=True)
Get assets matching a query built by the GUI query wizard
>>> query: str ='(specific_data.data.name == "test")'
>>> assets: list[dict] = apiobj.get(query=query)
Get assets matching a query built by the API client query wizard
>>> wiz_entries: list[dict] = [{'type': 'simple', 'path': 'name equals test'}]
>>> assets: list[dict] = apiobj.get(wiz_entries=wiz_entries)

See also

This method is used by all other get* methods under the hood and their kwargs are passed through to this method and passed to get_generator() which are then passed to whatever callback is used based on the export argument.

If export is not supplied, see axonius_api_client.api.asset_callbacks.base.Base.args_map().

If export equals json, see axonius_api_client.api.asset_callbacks.base_json.Json.args_map().

If export equals csv, see axonius_api_client.api.asset_callbacks.base_csv.Csv.args_map().

If export equals json_to_csv, see axonius_api_client.api.asset_callbacks.base_json_to_csv.JsonToCsv.args_map().

If export equals table, see axonius_api_client.api.asset_callbacks.base_table.Table.args_map().

If export equals xlsx, see axonius_api_client.api.asset_callbacks.base_xlsx.Xlsx.args_map().

axonius_api_client.constants.asset_helpers.ASSET_HELPERS for a list of helpers that translate between GUI titles, API request attributes, and saved query paths.

  • generator (bool) – return an iterator for assets that will yield rows as they are fetched

  • **kwargs – passed to get_generator()

Return type:

typing.Union[typing.Generator[dict, None, None], typing.List[dict]]


Get the full data set of all adapters for a single asset.


>>> import axonius_api_client as axonapi
>>> connect_args: dict = axonapi.get_env_connect()
>>> client: axonapi.Connect = axonapi.Connect(**connect_args)
>>> apiobj: axonapi.api.assets.AssetMixin = client.devices
>>>       # or client.users or client.vulnerabilities
>>> assets: list[dict] = apiobj.get(max_rows=1)
>>> asset_id: str = assets[0]["internal_axon_id"]
>>> asset: dict = apiobj.get_by_id(id=as)

id (str) – internal_axon_id of asset to get all data set for


NotFoundError – if id is not found

Return type:


get_by_saved_query(name, include_fields=True, include_excluded_adapters=True, include_asset_excluded_adapters=True, include_field_filters=True, include_asset_filters=True, **kwargs)

Get assets that would be returned by a saved query.


First, create a client using axonius_api_client.connect.Connect and assume apiobj is client.devices or client.users >>> import axonius_api_client as axonapi >>> connect_args: dict = axonapi.get_env_connect() >>> client: axonapi.Connect = axonapi.Connect(**connect_args) >>> apiobj: axonapi.api.assets.AssetMixin = client.devices >>> # or client.users or client.vulnerabilities

Get assets from a saved query with complex fields flattened >>> assets: t.List[dict] = apiobj.get_by_saved_query(name=”test”, field_flatten=True)

See also

axonius_api_client.constants.asset_helpers.ASSET_HELPERS for a list of helpers that translate between GUI titles, API request attributes, and saved query paths.

  • name (str) – name of saved query to get assets from

  • include_fields (bool) – include fields from saved query

  • include_excluded_adapters (bool) – include column filters for excluded adapters from saved query

  • include_asset_excluded_adapters (bool) – include column filters for asset excluded adapters from saved query

  • include_field_filters (bool) – include column filters for field filters from saved query

  • include_asset_filters (bool) – include column filters for asset filters from saved query

  • **kwargs – passed to get()

Return type:

typing.Union[typing.Generator[dict, None, None], typing.List[dict]]

get_by_value(value, field, not_flag=False, pre='', post='', field_manual=False, **kwargs)

Build a query to get assets where field equals a value.


It is better to use wizard, wizard_text, or wizard_csv to build queries!

  • value (str) – value that must equal field

  • field (str) – name of field to query against

  • not_flag (bool) – prefix query with ‘not’

  • pre (str) – query to add to the beginning of the query

  • post (str) – query to add to the end of the query

  • field_manual (bool) – consider supplied field as a fully qualified field name

  • **kwargs – passed to get()

Return type:

typing.Union[typing.Generator[dict, None, None], typing.List[dict]]

get_by_value_regex(value, field, cast_insensitive=True, not_flag=False, pre='', post='', field_manual=False, **kwargs)

Build a query to get assets where field regex matches a value.


It is better to use wizard, wizard_text, or wizard_csv to build queries!

  • value (str) – regex that must match field

  • field (str) – name of field to query against

  • cast_insensitive (bool) – ignore case when performing the regex match

  • not_flag (bool) – prefix query with ‘not’

  • pre (str) – query to add to the beginning of the query

  • post (str) – query to add to the end of the query

  • field_manual (bool) – consider supplied field as a fully qualified field name

  • **kwargs – passed to get()

Return type:

typing.Union[typing.Generator[dict, None, None], typing.List[dict]]

get_by_values(values, field, not_flag=False, pre='', post='', field_manual=False, **kwargs)

Build a query to get assets where field in values.


It is better to use wizard, wizard_text, or wizard_csv to build queries!

  • values (typing.List[str]) – list of values that must match field

  • field (str) – name of field to query against

  • not_flag (bool) – prefix query with ‘not’

  • pre (str) – query to add to the beginning of the query

  • post (str) – query to add to the end of the query

  • field_manual (bool) – consider supplied field as a fully qualified field name

  • **kwargs – passed to get()

Return type:

typing.Union[typing.Generator[dict, None, None], typing.List[dict]]

get_generator(query=None, fields=None, fields_manual=None, fields_regex=None, fields_regex_root_only=True, fields_fuzzy=None, fields_default=True, fields_root=None, fields_error=True, max_rows=None, max_pages=None, row_start=0, page_size=2000, page_start=0, page_sleep=0, export='base', sort_field=None, sort_descending=False, history_date=None, history_days_ago=None, history_exact=False, wiz_entries=None, wiz_parsed=None, file_date=None, sort_field_parsed=None, search=None, history_date_parsed=None, field_filters=None, excluded_adapters=None, asset_excluded_adapters=None, asset_filters=None, expressions=None, fields_parsed=None, include_details=False, use_cursor=True, cursor_id=None, saved_query_id=None, query_id=None, is_refresh=False, null_for_non_exist=False, source_component=None, frontend_sent_time=None, filter_out_non_existing_fields=True, complex_fields_preview_limit=None, max_field_items=None, initial_count=None, request_obj=None, export_templates=None, http_args=None, return_plain_data=None, **kwargs)

Get assets from a query.

See also

If export is not supplied, see axonius_api_client.api.asset_callbacks.base.Base.args_map().

If export equals json, see axonius_api_client.api.asset_callbacks.base_json.Json.args_map().

If export equals csv, see axonius_api_client.api.asset_callbacks.base_csv.Csv.args_map().

If export equals json_to_csv, see axonius_api_client.api.asset_callbacks.base_json_to_csv.JsonToCsv.args_map().

If export equals table, see axonius_api_client.api.asset_callbacks.base_table.Table.args_map().

If export equals xlsx, see axonius_api_client.api.asset_callbacks.base_xlsx.Xlsx.args_map().

axonius_api_client.constants.asset_helpers.ASSET_HELPERS for a list of helpers that translate between GUI titles, API request attributes, and saved query paths.

Return type:

typing.Generator[dict, None, None]

get_history_date(date=None, days_ago=None, exact=False)

Get a history date.

Return type:



date in YYYY-MM-DD format or None

get_sort_field(field=None, descending=False, validate=True)

Build the parsed sort field based off of field and descending.

  • field (typing.Optional[str]) – field to sort by

  • descending (bool) – if True, sort descending

  • validate (bool) – if True, validate field name

Return type:



field (prefixed with - if descending), None if field is None


Build a query and expressions.


>>> import axonius_api_client as axonapi
>>> connect_args: dict = axonapi.get_env_connect()
>>> client: axonapi.Connect = axonapi.Connect(**connect_args)
>>> apiobj: axonapi.api.assets.AssetMixin = client.devices
>>>       # or client.users or client.vulnerabilities

None is returned if no wiz_entries are passed >>> items = None >>> parsed = apiobj.get_wiz_entries(wiz_entries=items) >>> print(parsed) None

A string or list of strings will be parsed into a query and expressions: >>> items = “simple hostname contains test” >>> parsed = apiobj.get_wiz_entries(wiz_entries=items) >>> client.jdump(parsed)

“expressions”: [

“bracketWeight”: 0, “children”: [


“condition”: “”, “expression”: {

“compOp”: “”, “field”: “”, “filteredAdapters”: null, “value”: null

}, “i”: 0


], “compOp”: “contains”, “field”: “specific_data.data.hostname”, “fieldType”: “axonius”, “filter”: “(“specific_data.data.hostname” == regex(“test”, “i”))”, “filteredAdapters”: null, “leftBracket”: false, “logicOp”: “”, “not”: false, “rightBracket”: false, “value”: “test”


], “query”: “(“specific_data.data.hostname” == regex(“test”, “i”))”


A dict or list of dicts will be parsed into a query and expressions >>> items = {“type”: “simple”, “value”: “hostname contains test”} >>> parsed = client.devices.get_wiz_entries(items) >>> # same output as above


wiz_entries (typing.Union[typing.List[dict], typing.List[str], dict, str, None]) – list of dicts or list of strings or single dict or single string

Return type:



Get all known historical dates.

Return type:




Return type:


http: Http = None

Http object to use for requests.

run_enforcement(eset, ids, verify_and_run=True, verified=False, verify_count=True, prompt=False, do_echo=False, refetch=False, src_query=None, src_fields=None, check_stdin=True, grabber=None)

Run an enforcement set against a manually selected list of assets.


>>> import axonius_api_client as axonapi
>>> connect_args: dict = axonapi.get_env_connect()
>>> client: axonapi.Connect = axonapi.Connect(**connect_args)
>>> apiobj: axonapi.api.assets.AssetMixin = client.devices
>>>       # or client.users or client.vulnerabilities
>>> WIZ: str = "simple os.type equals Windows"  # "query of assets to target"
>>> ESET: str = "test"  # "name or uuid of enforcement set"

Get a list of assets from a query and manually extract the IDs. We know assets are valid because we just got them, so we pass verified=True. >>> ITEMS: list[dict] = apiobj.get(wiz_entries=WIZ) >>> IDS: list[str] = list(map(lambda x: x[‘internal_axon_id’], ITEMS)) >>> RUNNER: Runner = apiobj.run_enforcement(eset=ESET, ids=IDS, verified=True) >>> print(RUNNER) Runner(

state=’Ran Enforcement Set against 31 supplied Asset IDs’, eset=’test’, executed=True, count_ids=31, count_result=None, verified=True, verify_count=True, prompt=False, grabber=None,


  • eset (ENFORCEMENT) – name, uuid, or Enforcement Set object to run

  • ids (t.Union[str, t.List[str]]) – Asset IDs to run Enforcement Set against, csv-like string or list of csv-like strings

  • verify_and_run (bool, optional) – if false, return the Runner object to use manually. if true, run :method:`Runner.verify_and_run` before returning the Runner object

  • verified (bool) – $ids already verified, just run $eset against $ids

  • verify_count (bool) – Verify that the count of $query equals the count of $ids

  • prompt (bool) – Prompt user for verification when applicable.

  • do_echo (bool) – Echo output to console as well as log

  • refetch (bool) – refetch $eset even if it is already a model

  • src_query (str) – query to use to get $ids

  • src_fields (list) – fields to use to get $ids

  • check_stdin (bool) – error if stdin is a TTY when prompting

  • grabber (typing.Optional[axonius_api_client.parsers.grabber.Grabber]) – (grabber): Grabber used to get IDs


Runner object used to verify and run $eset

Return type:


run_enforcement_from_csv(eset, items, keys=None, do_echo_grab=True, do_raise_grab=False, load_args=None, **kwargs)

Get Asset IDs from a CSV string and run $eset against them.


>>> import axonius_api_client as axonapi
>>> connect_args: dict = axonapi.get_env_connect()
>>> client: axonapi.Connect = axonapi.Connect(**connect_args)
>>> apiobj: axonapi.api.assets.AssetMixin = client.devices
>>>       # or client.users or client.vulnerabilities
>>> WIZ: str = "simple os.type equals Windows"  # "query of assets to target"
>>> ESET: str = "test"  # "name or uuid of enforcement set"

Get a list of assets from a query and export the assets to a JSONL str then run an enforcement against all asset IDs from the JSONL str. We can also use a CSV file exported from the GUI. We know assets are valid because we just got them, so we pass verified=True.

>>> import io
>>> FH: io.StringIO = io.StringIO()
>>> _ = apiobj.get(wiz_entries=WIZ, export="csv", export_fd=FH, export_fd_close=False)
>>> FH.seek(0)
>>> ITEMS: str = axonapi.tools.bom_strip(FH.getvalue())
>>> RUNNER: Runner = apiobj.run_enforcement_from_csv(eset=ESET, items=ITEMS,
... verified=True)
>>> print(RUNNER)
  state='Ran Enforcement Set against 31 supplied Asset IDs',
  source='from_csv items type=str, length=6556 post_load type=list, length=33',

Get a list of assets from a query and export the assets to a CSV file then run an enforcement against all asset IDs from the CSV file. We can also use a CSV file exported from the GUI. We know assets are valid because we just got them, so we pass verified=True. >>> import pathlib >>> PATH: pathlib.Path = pathlib.Path(“data.csv”) >>> _ = apiobj.get(wiz_entries=WIZ, export=”csv”, export_file=PATH) >>> RUNNER: Runner = apiobj.run_enforcement_from_csv(eset=ESET, items=PATH, … verified=True) >>> print(RUNNER) Runner(

state=’Ran Enforcement Set against 31 supplied Asset IDs’, eset=’test’, executed=True, count_ids=31, count_result=None, verified=True, verify_count=True, prompt=False, grabber=Grabber( count_supplied=33, count_found=31, do_echo=True, do_raise=False, source=’from_csv items type=PosixPath, length=None post_load type=list, length=33’,

), )

  • eset (ENFORCEMENT) – name, uuid, or Enforcement Set object to run

  • items (t.Union[str, bytes, t.IO, pathlib.Path]) – csv str, handle for file containing csv str, or pathlib.Path of path containing csv str

  • keys (t.Union[str, t.List[str]]) – additional keys for grabber to look for Asset IDs in

  • do_echo_grab (bool, optional) – Echo output of Asset ID grabber to console as well as log

  • do_raise_grab (bool, optional) – Throw an error if grabber fails to find an Asset ID in any items

  • load_args (typing.Optional[dict]) – passed to pandas.read_csv()

  • **kwargs – passed to :method:`run_enforcement`


Runner object used to verify and run $eset

Return type:


run_enforcement_from_csv_path(eset, path, keys=None, do_echo_grab=True, do_raise_grab=False, **kwargs)

Get Asset IDs from a CSV file and run $eset against them.


>>> import axonius_api_client as axonapi
>>> connect_args: dict = axonapi.get_env_connect()
>>> client: axonapi.Connect = axonapi.Connect(**connect_args)
>>> apiobj: axonapi.api.assets.AssetMixin = client.devices
>>>       # or client.users or client.vulnerabilities
>>> ESET: str = "test"  # "name or uuid of enforcement set"

Run an enforcement against all asset IDs from a JSONL file. We are unsure if Asset IDs are still valid for this instance, so we do not pass verified=True. >>> PATH: str = “data.csv” >>> RUNNER: Runner = apiobj.run_enforcement_from_csv_path(eset=ESET, path=PATH) >>> print(RUNNER) Runner(

state=’Ran Enforcement Set against 31 supplied Asset IDs’, eset=’test’, executed=True, count_ids=31, count_result=31, verified=True, verify_count=True, prompt=False, grabber=Grabber( count_supplied=33, count_found=31, do_echo=True, do_raise=False, source=’from_csv_path /Users/jimbo/gh/Axonius/axonapi/data.csv /

from_csv items type=PosixPath, length=None post_load type=list, length=33’, ), )

  • eset (ENFORCEMENT) – name, uuid, or Enforcement Set object to run

  • path (PathLike) – str or pathlib.Path of path containing csv str

  • keys (t.Union[str, t.List[str]]) – additional keys for grabber to look for Asset IDs in

  • do_echo_grab (bool, optional) – Echo output of Asset ID grabber to console as well as log

  • do_raise_grab (bool, optional) – Throw an error if grabber fails to find an Asset ID in any items

  • **kwargs – passed to :method:`run_enforcement`


Runner object used to verify and run $eset

Return type:


run_enforcement_from_items(eset, items, keys=None, do_echo_grab=True, do_raise_grab=False, **kwargs)

Get Asset IDs from a list of dicts or strs and run $eset against them.


>>> import axonius_api_client as axonapi
>>> connect_args: dict = axonapi.get_env_connect()
>>> client: axonapi.Connect = axonapi.Connect(**connect_args)
>>> apiobj: axonapi.api.assets.AssetMixin = client.devices
>>>       # or client.users or client.vulnerabilities
>>> WIZ: str = "simple os.type equals Windows"  # "query of assets to target"
>>> ESET: str = "test"  # "name or uuid of enforcement set"

Get a list of assets from a query and use the grabber get the IDs. We know assets are valid because we just got them, so we pass verified=True. >>> ITEMS: list[dict] = apiobj.get(wiz_entries=WIZ) >>> RUNNER: Runner = apiobj.run_enforcement_from_items(eset=ESET, items=ITEMS, … verified=True) >>> print(RUNNER) Runner(

state=’Ran Enforcement Set against 31 supplied Asset IDs’, eset=’test’, executed=True, count_ids=31, count_result=None, verified=True, verify_count=True, prompt=False, grabber=Grabber( count_supplied=31, count_found=31, do_echo=True, do_raise=False, source=None,


  • eset (ENFORCEMENT) – name, uuid, or Enforcement Set object to run

  • items (t.Union[str, t.List[str], dict, t.List[dict], types.GeneratorType]) – list of strs or dicts to grab Asset IDs from

  • keys (t.Union[str, t.List[str]]) – additional keys for grabber to look for Asset IDs in

  • do_echo_grab (bool, optional) – Echo output of Asset ID grabber to console as well as log

  • do_raise_grab (bool, optional) – Throw an error if grabber fails to find an Asset ID in any items

  • **kwargs – passed to :method:`run_enforcement`


Runner object used to verify and run $eset

Return type:


run_enforcement_from_json(eset, items, keys=None, do_echo_grab=True, do_raise_grab=False, **kwargs)

Get Asset IDs from a JSON string with a list of dicts and run $eset against them.


>>> import axonius_api_client as axonapi
>>> connect_args: dict = axonapi.get_env_connect()
>>> client: axonapi.Connect = axonapi.Connect(**connect_args)
>>> apiobj: axonapi.api.assets.AssetMixin = client.devices
>>>       # or client.users or client.vulnerabilities
>>> WIZ: str = "simple os.type equals Windows"  # "query of assets to target"
>>> ESET: str = "test"  # "name or uuid of enforcement set"

Get a list of assets from a query and export the assets to a JSON str then run an enforcement against all asset IDs from the JSON str. We know assets are valid because we just got them, so we pass verified=True. >>> import io >>> FH = io.StringIO() >>> _ = apiobj.get(wiz_entries=WIZ, export=”json”, export_fd=FH, export_fd_close=False) >>> FH.seek(0) >>> ITEMS: str = FH.getvalue() >>> RUNNER: Runner = apiobj.run_enforcement_from_json(eset=ESET, items=ITEMS, … verified=True) >>> print(RUNNER) Runner(

state=’Ran Enforcement Set against 31 supplied Asset IDs’, eset=’test’, executed=True, count_ids=31, count_result=None, verified=True, verify_count=True, prompt=False, grabber=Grabber( count_supplied=31, count_found=31, do_echo=True, do_raise=False, source=’from_json items type=str, length=15519 post_load type=list, length=31’,

), )

Get a list of assets from a query and export the assets to a JSON file then run an enforcement against all asset IDs from the JSON file. We know assets are valid because we just got them, so we pass verified=True. >>> import pathlib >>> PATH: pathlib.Path = pathlib.Path(“data.json”) >>> _ = apiobj.get(wiz_entries=WIZ, export=”json”, export_file=PATH) >>> RUNNER: Runner = apiobj.run_enforcement_from_json(eset=ESET, items=PATH, … verified=True) >>> print(RUNNER) Runner(

state=’Ran Enforcement Set against 31 supplied Asset IDs’, eset=’test’, executed=True, count_ids=31, count_result=None, verified=True, verify_count=True, prompt=False, grabber=Grabber( count_supplied=31, count_found=31, do_echo=True, do_raise=False, source=’from_json items type=PosixPath, length=None post_load type=list, length=31’,

), )

  • eset (ENFORCEMENT) – name, uuid, or Enforcement Set object to run

  • items (t.Union[str, bytes, t.IO, pathlib.Path]) – json str, handle for file containing json str, or pathlib.Path of path containing json str

  • keys (t.Union[str, t.List[str]]) – additional keys for grabber to look for Asset IDs in

  • do_echo_grab (bool, optional) – Echo output of Asset ID grabber to console as well as log

  • do_raise_grab (bool, optional) – Throw an error if grabber fails to find an Asset ID in any items

  • **kwargs – passed to :method:`run_enforcement`


Runner object used to verify and run $eset

Return type:


run_enforcement_from_json_path(eset, path, keys=None, do_echo_grab=True, do_raise_grab=False, **kwargs)

Get Asset IDs from a JSON file with a list of dicts and run $eset against them.


>>> import axonius_api_client as axonapi
>>> connect_args: dict = axonapi.get_env_connect()
>>> client: axonapi.Connect = axonapi.Connect(**connect_args)
>>> apiobj: axonapi.api.assets.AssetMixin = client.devices
>>>       # or client.users or client.vulnerabilities
>>> ESET: str = "test"  # "name or uuid of enforcement set"

Run an enforcement against all asset IDs from a JSON file. We are unsure if Asset IDs are still valid for this instance of Axonius, so we do not pass verified=True. >>> PATH: str = “data.json” >>> RUNNER: Runner = apiobj.run_enforcement_from_json_path(eset=ESET, path=PATH) >>> print(RUNNER) Runner(

state=’Ran Enforcement Set against 31 supplied Asset IDs’, eset=’test’, executed=True, count_ids=31, count_result=31, verified=True, verify_count=True, prompt=False, grabber=Grabber( count_supplied=31, count_found=31, do_echo=True, do_raise=False, source=’from_json_path /Users/jimbo/gh/Axonius/axonapi/data.json /

from_json items type=PosixPath, length=None post_load type=list, length=31’, ), )

  • eset (ENFORCEMENT) – name, uuid, or Enforcement Set object to run

  • path (PathLike) – str or pathlib.Path of path containing json str

  • keys (t.Union[str, t.List[str]]) – additional keys for grabber to look for Asset IDs in

  • do_echo_grab (bool, optional) – Echo output of Asset ID grabber to console as well as log

  • do_raise_grab (bool, optional) – Throw an error if grabber fails to find an Asset ID in any items

  • **kwargs – passed to :method:`run_enforcement`


Runner object used to verify and run $eset

Return type:


run_enforcement_from_jsonl(eset, items, keys=None, do_echo_grab=True, do_raise_grab=False, **kwargs)

Get Asset IDs from a JSONL string with one dict per line and run $eset against them.


>>> import axonius_api_client as axonapi
>>> connect_args: dict = axonapi.get_env_connect()
>>> client: axonapi.Connect = axonapi.Connect(**connect_args)
>>> apiobj: axonapi.api.assets.AssetMixin = client.devices
>>>       # or client.users or client.vulnerabilities
>>> WIZ: str = "simple os.type equals Windows"  # "query of assets to target"
>>> ESET: str = "test"  # "name or uuid of enforcement set"

Get a list of assets from a query and export the assets to a JSONL str then run an enforcement against all asset IDs from the JSONL str. We know assets are valid because we just got them, so we pass verified=True. >>> import io >>> FH = io.StringIO() >>> _ = apiobj.get(wiz_entries=WIZ, export=”json”, json_flat=True, … export_fd=FH, export_fd_close=False) >>> FH.seek(0) >>> RUNNER: Runner = apiobj.run_enforcement_from_jsonl(eset=ESET, items=FH, … verified=True) >>> print(RUNNER) Runner(

state=’Ran Enforcement Set against 31 supplied Asset IDs’, eset=’test’, executed=True, count_ids=31, count_result=None, verified=True, verify_count=True, prompt=False, grabber=Grabber( count_supplied=31, count_found=31, do_echo=True, do_raise=False, source=’from_jsonl items type=StringIO, length=None post_load type=list, length=31’,

), )

Get a list of assets from a query and export the assets to a JSONL file then run an enforcement against all asset IDs from the JSONL file. We know assets are valid because we just got them, so we pass verified=True. >>> import pathlib >>> PATH = pathlib.Path(“data.jsonl”) >>> _ = apiobj.get( … wiz_entries=WIZ, export=”json”, json_flat=True, export_file=PATH, … export_overwrite=True) >>> RUNNER: Runner = apiobj.run_enforcement_from_jsonl(eset=ESET, items=PATH, … verified=True) >>> print(RUNNER) Runner(

state=’Ran Enforcement Set against 31 supplied Asset IDs’, eset=’test’, executed=True, count_ids=31, count_result=None, verified=True, verify_count=True, prompt=False, grabber=Grabber( count_supplied=31, count_found=31, do_echo=True, do_raise=False, source=’from_jsonl items type=PosixPath, length=None post_load type=list, length=31’,

), )

  • eset (ENFORCEMENT) – name, uuid, or Enforcement Set object to run

  • items (t.Union[str, bytes, t.IO, pathlib.Path]) – jsonl str, handle for file containing jsonl str, or pathlib.Path of path containing jsonl str

  • keys (t.Union[str, t.List[str]]) – additional keys for grabber to look for Asset IDs in

  • do_echo_grab (bool, optional) – Echo output of Asset ID grabber to console as well as log

  • do_raise_grab (bool, optional) – Throw an error if grabber fails to find an Asset ID in any items

  • **kwargs – passed to :method:`run_enforcement`


Runner object used to verify and run $eset

Return type:


run_enforcement_from_jsonl_path(eset, path, keys=None, do_echo_grab=True, do_raise_grab=False, **kwargs)

Get Asset IDs from a JSONL file with one dict per line and run $eset against them.


>>> import axonius_api_client as axonapi
>>> connect_args: dict = axonapi.get_env_connect()
>>> client: axonapi.Connect = axonapi.Connect(**connect_args)
>>> apiobj: axonapi.api.assets.AssetMixin = client.devices
>>>       # or client.users or client.vulnerabilities
>>> ESET: str = "test"  # "name or uuid of enforcement set"

Run an enforcement against all asset IDs from a JSONL file. We are unsure if Asset IDs are still valid for this instance, so we do not pass verified=True. >>> PATH: str = “data.jsonl” >>> RUNNER: Runner = apiobj.run_enforcement_from_jsonl_path(eset=ESET, path=PATH) >>> print(RUNNER) Runner(

state=’Ran Enforcement Set against 31 supplied Asset IDs’, eset=’test’, executed=True, count_ids=31, count_result=31, verified=True, verify_count=True, prompt=False, grabber=Grabber( count_supplied=31, count_found=31, do_echo=True, do_raise=False, source=’from_jsonl_path /Users/jimbo/gh/Axonius/axonapi/data.jsonl /

from_jsonl items type=PosixPath, length=None post_load type=list, length=31’, ), )

  • eset (ENFORCEMENT) – name, uuid, or Enforcement Set object to run

  • path (PathLike) – str or pathlib.Path of path containing jsonl str

  • keys (t.Union[str, t.List[str]]) – additional keys for grabber to look for Asset IDs in

  • do_echo_grab (bool, optional) – Echo output of Asset ID grabber to console as well as log

  • do_raise_grab (bool, optional) – Throw an error if grabber fails to find an Asset ID in any items

  • **kwargs – passed to :method:`run_enforcement`


Runner object used to verify and run $eset

Return type:


run_enforcement_from_text(eset, items, keys=None, do_echo_grab=True, do_raise_grab=False, **kwargs)

Get Asset IDs from a text string and run $eset against them.


>>> import axonius_api_client as axonapi
>>> connect_args: dict = axonapi.get_env_connect()
>>> client: axonapi.Connect = axonapi.Connect(**connect_args)
>>> apiobj: axonapi.api.assets.AssetMixin = client.devices
>>>       # or client.users or client.vulnerabilities
>>> WIZ: str = "simple os.type equals Windows"  # "query of assets to target"
>>> ESET: str = "test"  # "name or uuid of enforcement set"

Get a list of assets from a query and export the assets to a text file then run an enforcement against all asset IDs from the text file. All lines will have any non-alphanumeric characters removed from them and if a 32 character alphanumeric string is found it is considered an Asset ID. We know assets are valid because we just got them, so we pass verified=True. >>> import pathlib >>> PATH: pathlib.Path = pathlib.Path(“data.txt”) >>> ITEMS: list[dict] = apiobj.get(wiz_entries=WIZ) >>> IDS: list[str] = list(map(lambda x: x[‘internal_axon_id’], ITEMS)) >>> PATH.write_text(’n’.join(IDS)) >>> RUNNER: Runner = apiobj.run_enforcement_from_text( … eset=ESET, items=PATH, verified=True) >>> print(RUNNER) Runner(

state=’Ran Enforcement Set against 31 supplied Asset IDs’, eset=’test’, executed=True, count_ids=31, count_result=None, verified=True, verify_count=True, prompt=False, grabber=Grabber( count_supplied=31, count_found=31, do_echo=True, do_raise=False, source=’from_text items type=PosixPath, length=None’,

), )

  • eset (ENFORCEMENT) – name, uuid, or Enforcement Set object to run

  • items (t.Union[str, bytes, t.IO, pathlib.Path]) – text str, handle for file containing text str, or pathlib.Path of path containing text str

  • keys (t.Union[str, t.List[str]]) – n/a

  • do_echo_grab (bool, optional) – Echo output of Asset ID grabber to console as well as log

  • do_raise_grab (bool, optional) – Throw an error if grabber fails to find an Asset ID in any items

  • **kwargs – passed to :method:`run_enforcement`


Runner object used to verify and run $eset

Return type:


run_enforcement_from_text_path(eset, path, keys=None, do_echo_grab=True, do_raise_grab=False, **kwargs)

Get Asset IDs from a text file and run $eset against them.


>>> import axonius_api_client as axonapi
>>> connect_args: dict = axonapi.get_env_connect()
>>> client: axonapi.Connect = axonapi.Connect(**connect_args)
>>> apiobj: axonapi.api.assets.AssetMixin = client.devices
>>>       # or client.users or client.vulnerabilities
>>> ESET: str = "test"  # "name or uuid of enforcement set"

Run an enforcement against all asset IDs from a text file. All lines will have any non-alphanumeric characters removed from them and if a 32 character alphanumeric string is found it is considered an Asset ID. We are unsure if Asset IDs are still valid for this instance, so we do not pass verified=True. >>> PATH: str = “data.txt” >>> RUNNER: Runner = apiobj.run_enforcement_from_text_path(eset=ESET, path=PATH) >>> print(RUNNER) Runner(

state=’Ran Enforcement Set against 31 supplied Asset IDs’, eset=’test’, executed=True, count_ids=31, count_result=None, verified=True, verify_count=True, prompt=False, grabber=Grabber( count_supplied=31, count_found=31, do_echo=True, do_raise=False, source=’from_text_path /Users/jimbo/gh/Axonius/axonapi/data.txt /

from_text items type=PosixPath, length=None post_load type=generator, length=None’, ), )

  • eset (ENFORCEMENT) – name, uuid, or Enforcement Set object to run

  • path (PathLike) – str or pathlib.Path of path containing text str

  • keys (t.Union[str, t.List[str]]) – n/a

  • do_echo_grab (bool, optional) – Echo output of Asset ID grabber to console as well as log

  • do_raise_grab (bool, optional) – Throw an error if grabber fails to find an Asset ID in any items

  • **kwargs – passed to :method:`run_enforcement`


Runner object used to verify and run $eset

Return type:


FIELD_COMPLEX: str = 'specific_data.data.associated_devices'

Field name of a complex field.

FIELD_COMPLEX_SUB: str = 'device_caption'

Field name of a complex sub field.

wizard: str = None

Query wizard for python objects.



wizard_text: str = None

Query wizard for text files.



wizard_csv = None

Query wizard for CSV files.

