Source code for axonius_api_client.api.adapters.adapters

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""API for working with adapters."""
import datetime
import pathlib
import typing as t

from cachetools import TTLCache, cached

from ...constants.ctypes import PatternLikeListy
from ...exceptions import ApiError, NotFoundError  # , StopFetch
from ...parsers.config import config_build, config_unchanged, config_unknown
from ...parsers.tables import tablize_adapters
from import path_read
from ..api_endpoints import ApiEndpoints
from ..json_api.adapters import (
from ..json_api.paging_state import PagingState
from ..json_api.system_settings import SystemSettings
from ..json_api.time_range import UnitTypes
from ..mixins import ModelMixins

HIST_MOD = AdapterFetchHistory
HIST_GEN = t.Generator[HIST_MOD, None, None]

CACHE_HISTORY_FILTERS: TTLCache = TTLCache(maxsize=4096, ttl=60)
CACHE_GET_BASIC: TTLCache = TTLCache(maxsize=1024, ttl=60)

[docs]class Adapters(ModelMixins): """API model for working with adapters. Examples: Create a ``client`` using :obj:`axonius_api_client.connect.Connect` * Get metadata of all adapters: :meth:`get` * Get an adapter by name: :meth:`get_by_name` * Get the advanced settings for an adapter: :meth:`config_get` * Update the advanced settings for an adapter: :meth:`config_update` * Upload a file to an adapter: :meth:`file_upload` * Work with adapter connections :obj:`axonius_api_client.api.adapters.cnx.Cnx` Notes: All methods use the Core instance by default, but you can work with another instance by passing the name of the instance to ``node``. Supplying unknown keys/values for configurations will throw an error showing the valid keys/values. """
[docs] def get(self, get_clients: bool = False) -> t.List[dict]: """Get all adapters on all nodes. Examples: Create a ``client`` using :obj:`axonius_api_client.connect.Connect`. Get all adapters >>> adapters = client.adapters.get() Get details of each adapter >>> for adapter in adapters: ... print(adapter["name"]) # name of adapter ... print(adapter["node_name"]) # name of node adapter is running on Args: get_clients (bool, optional): Include the connections and schemas in the response Returns: t.List[dict]: list of adapter metadata """ return [ adapter_node.to_dict_old() for adapter in self._get(get_clients=get_clients) for adapter_node in adapter.adapter_nodes ]
[docs] def get_by_name_basic(self, value: str) -> dict: """Get an adapters basic metadata (including display title) by name. Args: value (str): short name of adapter (i.e. ``aws``) Returns: dict: adapter basic metadata """ data = self.get_basic() return data.find_by_name(value=value)
[docs] def get_by_name( self, name: str, node: t.Optional[str] = None, get_clients: bool = False ) -> dict: """Get an adapter by name on a single node. Examples: Create a ``client`` using :obj:`axonius_api_client.connect.Connect`. Get an adapter by name >>> adapter = client.adapters.get_by_name(name="aws") Get details of adapter >>> adapter['status'] # overall adapter status 'success' >>> adapter['cnx_count_total'] # total connection count 1 >>> adapter['cnx_count_broken'] # broken connection count 0 >>> adapter['cnx_count_working'] # working connection count 1 Get details of each connection of the adapter >>> for cnx in adapter["cnx"]: ... print(cnx["working"]) # bool if connection is working or not ... print(cnx["error"]) # error from last fetch attempt ... print(cnx["config"]) # configuration of connection ... print(cnx["id"]) # ID of connection ... print(cnx["uuid"]) # UUID of connection Args: name (str): name of adapter to get node (Optional[str], optional): name of node to get adapter from get_clients (bool, optional): Include the connections and schemas in the response Raises: NotFoundError: when no node found or when no adapter found on node Returns: dict: adapter metadata """ node_meta = self.instances.get_by_name_id_core(value=node) adapters = self.get(get_clients=get_clients) node_name = node_meta["name"] adapters = [adapter for adapter in adapters if adapter["node_name"] == node_name] keys = ["name", "name_raw", "name_plugin"] for adapter in adapters: if any([adapter[k].lower() == name.lower() for k in keys]): adapter["node_meta"] = node_meta return adapter err = f"No adapter named {name!r} found on instance {node_name!r}" raise NotFoundError(tablize_adapters(adapters=adapters, err=err))
[docs] @cached(cache=CACHE_GET_BASIC) def get_basic_cached(self) -> AdaptersList: """Get basic adapter data cached.""" return self.get_basic()
[docs] def get_basic(self) -> AdaptersList: """Get basic adapter data.""" return self._get_basic()
[docs] @cached(cache=CACHE_HISTORY_FILTERS) def get_fetch_history_filters(self) -> AdapterFetchHistoryFilters: """Get filter values for use in adapters history.""" return self._get_fetch_history_filters()
[docs] def get_fetch_history(self, generator: bool = False, **kwargs) -> t.Union[HIST_GEN, HIST_LIST]: """Get adapter fetch history. Args: generator (bool, optional): Return a generator or a list **kwargs: passed to :meth:`get_fetch_history_generator` Returns: t.Union[HIST_GEN, HIST_LIST]: t.Generator or list of history event models """ gen = self.get_fetch_history_generator(**kwargs) return gen if generator else list(gen)
[docs] def get_fetch_history_generator( self, adapters: t.Optional[PatternLikeListy] = None, connection_labels: t.Optional[PatternLikeListy] = None, clients: t.Optional[PatternLikeListy] = None, instances: t.Optional[PatternLikeListy] = None, statuses: t.Optional[PatternLikeListy] = None, discoveries: t.Optional[PatternLikeListy] = None, exclude_realtime: bool = False, relative_unit_type: UnitTypes = UnitTypes.get_default(), relative_unit_count: t.Optional[int] = None, absolute_date_start: t.Optional[datetime.datetime] = None, absolute_date_end: t.Optional[datetime.datetime] = None, sort_attribute: t.Optional[str] = None, sort_descending: bool = False, search: t.Optional[str] = None, filter: t.Optional[str] = None, page_sleep: int = PagingState.page_sleep, page_size: int = PagingState.page_size, row_start: int = PagingState.row_start, row_stop: t.Optional[int] = PagingState.row_stop, log_level: t.Union[int, str] = PagingState.log_level, history_filters: t.Optional[AdapterFetchHistoryFilters] = None, request_obj: t.Optional[AdapterFetchHistoryRequest] = None, ) -> HIST_GEN: """Get adapter fetch history. Notes: Use ~ prefix for regex in adapters, connection_labels, clients, instances, statuses Args: adapters (t.Optional[PatternLikeListy], optional): Filter for records with matching adapters connection_labels (t.Optional[PatternLikeListy], optional): Filter for records with connection labels clients (t.Optional[PatternLikeListy], optional): Filter for records with matching client ids instances (t.Optional[PatternLikeListy], optional): Filter for records with matching instances statuses (t.Optional[PatternLikeListy], optional): Filter for records with matching statuses discoveries (t.Optional[PatternLikeListy], optional): Filter for records with matching discovery IDs exclude_realtime (bool, optional): Exclude records for realtime adapters relative_unit_type (UnitTypes, optional): Type of unit to use when supplying relative_unit_count relative_unit_count (Optional[int], optional): Filter records for the past N units of relative_unit_type absolute_date_start (Optional[datetime.datetime], optional): Filter records that are after this date. (overrides relative values) absolute_date_end (Optional[datetime.datetime], optional): Filter records that are before this date. (defaults to now if start but no end) sort_attribute (Optional[str], optional): Sort records based on this attribute sort_descending (bool, optional): Sort sort_attribute descending or ascending page_sleep (int, optional): Sleep N seconds between pages page_size (int, optional): Get N records per page row_start (int, optional): Start at row N row_stop (Optional[int], optional): Stop at row N log_level (t.Union[int, str], optional): log level to use for paging history_filters (Optional[AdapterFetchHistoryFilters], optional): response from :meth:`get_fetch_history_filters` (will be fetched if not supplied) request_obj (Optional[AdapterFetchHistoryRequest], optional): Request object to use for options """ if not isinstance(history_filters, AdapterFetchHistoryFilters): history_filters = self.get_fetch_history_filters() if not isinstance(request_obj, AdapterFetchHistoryRequest): request_obj = AdapterFetchHistoryRequest() request_obj.set_filters( history_filters=history_filters, value_type="adapters", value=adapters, ) request_obj.set_filters( history_filters=history_filters, value_type="connection_labels", value=connection_labels, ) request_obj.set_filters( history_filters=history_filters, value_type="clients", value=clients, ) request_obj.set_filters( history_filters=history_filters, value_type="instances", value=instances, ) request_obj.set_filters( history_filters=history_filters, value_type="statuses", value=statuses, ) request_obj.set_filters( history_filters=history_filters, value_type="discoveries", value=discoveries, ) request_obj.set_sort( value=sort_attribute, descending=sort_descending, ) request_obj.set_exclude_realtime( value=exclude_realtime, ) request_obj.set_time_range( relative_unit_type=relative_unit_type, relative_unit_count=relative_unit_count, absolute_date_start=absolute_date_start, absolute_date_end=absolute_date_end, ) request_obj.set_search_filter( search=search, filter=filter, ) with PagingState( purpose="Get Adapter Fetch History Events", page_sleep=page_sleep, page_size=page_size, row_start=row_start, row_stop=row_stop, log_level=log_level, ) as state: while not state.stop_paging: page =, request_obj=request_obj) yield from page.rows
[docs] def config_get( self, name: str, node: t.Optional[str] = None, config_type: str = "generic", ) -> dict: """Get the advanced settings for an adapter. Examples: Create a ``client`` using :obj:`axonius_api_client.connect.Connect`. Get the generic advanced settings for an adapter >>> config = client.adapters.config_get(name="aws") Get the adapter specific advanced settings for an adapter >>> config = client.adapters.config_get(name="aws", config_type="specific") Get the discovery advanced settings for an adapter >>> config = client.adapters.config_get(name="aws", config_type="discovery") See the current values of a configuration >>> import pprint >>> pprint.pprint(config['config']) {'connect_client_timeout': 300, 'fetching_timeout': 43200, 'last_fetched_threshold_hours': 48, 'last_seen_prioritized': False, 'last_seen_threshold_hours': 24, 'minimum_time_until_next_fetch': None, 'realtime_adapter': False, 'user_last_fetched_threshold_hours': 48, 'user_last_seen_threshold_hours': None} Investigate the schema and current values of a configuration >>> for setting, info in config['schema'].items(): ... current_value = config['config'][setting] ... title = info['title'] ... description = info.get('description') ... print(f"name of setting: {setting}") ... print(f" title of setting in GUI: {title}") ... print(f" description of setting: {description}") ... print(f" current value of setting: {current_value}") Args: name (str): name of adapter to get advanced settings of node (Optional[str], optional): name of node to get adapter from [NO LONGER USED] config_type (str, optional): One of generic, specific, or discovery Returns: dict: configuration for ``config_type`` """ adapter = self.get_by_name(name=name, node=node, get_clients=False) adapters = self._config_get(adapter_name=adapter["name_raw"]) type_map = adapters.type_map if config_type not in type_map: valid = ", ".join(list(type_map)) raise ApiError(f"Adapter {name} has no config type {config_type!r}, valids: {valid}!") adapter_config = type_map[config_type] adapter_config["adapter"] = adapter return adapter_config
[docs] def config_update( self, name: str, node: t.Optional[str] = None, config_type: str = "generic", **kwargs ) -> dict: """Update the advanced settings for an adapter. Examples: Create a ``client`` using :obj:`axonius_api_client.connect.Connect`. Update the generic advanced settings for the adapter >>> updated_config = client.adapters.config_update( ... name="aws", last_seen_threshold_hours=24 ... ) Update the adapter specific advanced settings >>> updated_config = client.adapters.config_update( ... name="aws", config_type="specific", fetch_s3=True ... ) Args: name (str): name of adapter to update advanced settings of node (Optional[str], optional): name of node to get adapter from config_type (str, optional): One of generic, specific, or discovery **kwargs: configuration to update advanced settings of config_type Returns: dict: updated configuration for ``config_type`` """ kwargs_config = kwargs.pop("kwargs_config", {}) kwargs.update(kwargs_config) config_map = self.config_get(name=name, config_type=config_type) adapter_meta = config_map["adapter"] old_config = config_map["config"] schemas = config_map["schema"] source = f"adapter {name!r} {config_type} advanced settings" config_unknown(schemas=schemas, new_config=kwargs, source=source) new_config = config_build( schemas=schemas, old_config=old_config, new_config=kwargs, source=source ) config_unchanged( schemas=schemas, old_config=old_config, new_config=new_config, source=source ) self._config_update( adapter_name=adapter_meta["name_raw"], config_name=config_map["config_name"], config=new_config, ) return self.config_get(name=name, config_type=config_type)
[docs] def file_upload( self, name: str, field_name: str, file_name: str, file_content: t.Union[str, bytes], file_content_type: t.Optional[str] = None, node: t.Optional[str] = None, ) -> dict: """Upload a file to a specific adapter on a specific node. Examples: Create a ``client`` using :obj:`axonius_api_client.connect.Connect`. Upload content as a file for use in a connection later >>> content = "content of file to upload" >>> file_uuid = client.adapters.file_upload( ... name="aws", ... file_name="name_of_file", ... file_content=content, ... field_name="name_of_field", ... ) >>> file_uuid {'uuid': '5f78b7dee33f0a113700a6fc', 'filename': 'name_of_file'} Args: name: name of adapter to upload file to node: name of node to upload file to field_name: name of field (should match configuration schema key name) file_name: name of file to upload file_content: content of file to upload file_content_type: mime type of file to upload Returns: dict: with keys 'filename' and 'uuid' """ adapter = self.get_by_name(name=name, node=node, get_clients=False) return self._file_upload( adapter_name=adapter["name_raw"], node_id=adapter["node_id"], file_name=file_name, field_name=field_name, file_content=file_content, file_content_type=file_content_type, )
[docs] def file_upload_path(self, path: t.Union[str, pathlib.Path], **kwargs) -> dict: """Upload the contents of a file to a specific adapter on a specific node. Examples: Create a ``client`` using :obj:`axonius_api_client.connect.Connect`. Upload a file for use in a connection later >>> file_uuid = client.adapters.file_upload_path(name="aws", path="test.csv") >>> file_uuid {'uuid': '5f78b674e33f0a113700a6fa', 'filename': 'test.csv'} Args: path (t.Union[str, pathlib.Path]): path to file containing contents to upload **kwargs: passed to :meth:`file_upload` Returns: dict: with keys 'filename' and 'uuid' """ path, file_content = path_read(obj=path, binary=True, is_json=False) if path.suffix == ".csv": kwargs.setdefault("file_content_type", "text/csv") kwargs.setdefault("field_name", kwargs.setdefault("file_name", kwargs["file_content"] = file_content return self.file_upload(**kwargs)
[docs] def _init(self, **kwargs): """Post init method for subclasses to use for extra setup.""" from ..system.instances import Instances from .cnx import Cnx self.cnx: Cnx = Cnx(parent=self) """Work with adapter connections""" self.instances: Instances = Instances(auth=self.auth) """Work with instances"""
[docs] def _get(self, get_clients: bool = False, filter: t.Optional[str] = None) -> t.List[Adapter]: """Private API method to get all adapters. Args: get_clients (bool, optional): Include the connections and schemas in the response filter (Optional[str], optional): unk Returns: t.List[Adapter]: t.List of Adapter dataclass models """ api_endpoint = ApiEndpoints.adapters.get request_obj = api_endpoint.load_request(get_clients=get_clients, filter=filter) return api_endpoint.perform_request(http=self.auth.http, request_obj=request_obj)
[docs] def _config_update(self, adapter_name: str, config_name: str, config: dict) -> SystemSettings: """Private API method to set advanced settings for an adapter. Args: adapter_name (str): raw name of the adapter i.e. ``aws_adapter`` config_name (str): name of advanced settings to set * ``AdapterBase`` for generic advanced settings * ``AwsSettings`` for adapter specific advanced settings (name changes per adapter) * ``DiscoverySchema`` for discovery advanced settings config (dict): the advanced configuration key value pairs to set Returns: SystemSettings: dataclass model containing response """ api_endpoint = ApiEndpoints.adapters.settings_update request_obj = api_endpoint.load_request( pluginId=adapter_name, configName=config_name, config=config ) return api_endpoint.perform_request( http=self.auth.http, request_obj=request_obj, adapter_name=adapter_name, config_name=config_name, )
[docs] def _get_basic(self) -> AdaptersList: """Get the basic metadata for all adapters. Returns: AdaptersList: dataclass model containing response """ api_endpoint = ApiEndpoints.adapters.get_basic return api_endpoint.perform_request(http=self.auth.http)
[docs] def _config_get(self, adapter_name: str) -> AdapterSettings: """Private API method to set advanced settings for an adapter. Args: adapter_name (str): raw name of the adapter, i.e. 'aws_adapter' Returns: AdapterSettings: dataclass model containing response """ api_endpoint = ApiEndpoints.adapters.settings_get return api_endpoint.perform_request(http=self.auth.http, adapter_name=adapter_name)
[docs] def _file_upload( self, adapter_name: str, node_id: str, field_name: str, file_name: str, file_content: t.Union[bytes, str], file_content_type: t.Optional[str] = None, file_headers: t.Optional[dict] = None, ) -> dict: """Private API method to upload a file to a specific adapter on a specifc node. Args: adapter_name (str): raw name of the adapter i.e. ``aws_adapter`` node_id (str): ID of node running adapter field_name (str): name of field (should match configuration schema key name) file_name (str): name of file to upload file_content (t.Union[bytes, str]): content of file to upload file_content_type (Optional[str], optional): mime type of file to upload file_headers (Optional[dict], optional): headers to use for file Returns: dict: containing filename and uuid keys """ api_endpoint = ApiEndpoints.adapters.file_upload data = {"field_name": field_name} files = {"userfile": (file_name, file_content, file_content_type, file_headers)} http_args = {"files": files, "data": data} response = api_endpoint.perform_request( http=self.auth.http, http_args=http_args, adapter_name=adapter_name, node_id=node_id ) parsed = {"filename": file_name, "uuid": response["data"]["id"]} return parsed
[docs] def _get_labels(self) -> CnxLabels: """Get labels metadata for all connections. Returns: CnxLabels: dataclass model containing response """ api_endpoint = ApiEndpoints.adapters.cnx_get_labels response = api_endpoint.perform_request(http=self.http) return response
[docs] def _get_fetch_history_filters(self) -> AdapterFetchHistoryFilters: """Get filter values for use in adapters history.""" api_endpoint = ApiEndpoints.adapters.get_fetch_history_filters response = api_endpoint.perform_request(http=self.http) return response
[docs] def _get_fetch_history( self, request_obj: t.Optional[AdapterFetchHistoryRequest] = None ) -> HIST_LIST: """Get adapter fetch history.""" api_endpoint = ApiEndpoints.adapters.get_fetch_history if not request_obj: request_obj = AdapterFetchHistoryRequest() response = api_endpoint.perform_request(http=self.http, request_obj=request_obj) return response