Source code for axonius_api_client.api.asset_callbacks.base

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Base callbacks."""
import logging
import pathlib
import re
import sys
import typing as t
from typing import IO, Generator, List, Optional, Tuple, Union

from ... import DEFAULT_PATH
from ...constants.api import FIELD_JOINER, FIELD_TRIM_LEN, FIELD_TRIM_STR
from ...constants.fields import (
from ...exceptions import ApiError
from import (

# noinspection SpellCheckingInspection
[docs]def crjoin(value): """Pass.""" joiner = "\n - " return joiner + joiner.join(value)
# noinspection PyProtectedMember,PyAttributeOutsideInit
[docs]class Base: """Callbacks for formatting asset data. Examples: * :meth:`args_map` for callback generic arguments to format assets. * :meth:`args_map_custom` for callback specific arguments to format and export data. """
[docs] @classmethod def args_map(cls) -> dict: """Get all the argument names and their defaults for this callbacks object. Examples: Create a ``client`` using :obj:`axonius_api_client.connect.Connect` and assume ``apiobj`` is either ``client.devices`` or ``client.users`` >>> import axonius_api_client as axonapi >>> connect_args: dict = axonapi.get_env_connect() >>> client: axonapi.Connect = axonapi.Connect(**connect_args) >>> apiobj: axonapi.api.assets.AssetMixin = client.devices >>> # or client.users or client.vulnerabilities Flatten complex fields - Will take all sub-fields of complex fields and put them on the root level with their values index correlated to each other. >>> assets = apiobj.get(fields=["network_interfaces"], field_flatten=True) Explode a single field - will take that field and create new rows for list item. >>> assets = apiobj.get(field_explode="hostname") Exclude fields - Will remove fields from the final output. >>> assets = apiobj.get(field_excludes=["internal_axon_id", "adapter_list_length"]) Use field titles - Will change internal field names to their titles. >>> assets = apiobj.get(field_titles=True) Join fields - Will join multi value fields with carriage returns. >>> assets = apiobj.get(field_join=True) Join fields with no trim and custom join value - Will join multi value fields with ``;;`` and do not trim the joined value to excels maximum cell length. >>> assets = apiobj.get(field_join=True, field_join_value=";;", field_join_trim=0) Add fields as empty values for fields that did not return. >>> assets = apiobj.get(field_null=True) Add fields as empty values for fields that did not return with a custom null value. >>> assets = apiobj.get( ... field_null=True, ... field_null_value="EMPTY", ... field_null_value_complex="EMPTY LIST", ... ) Add and remove tags to all assets returned. >>> assets = apiobj.get(tags_add=["tag1", "tag2"], tags_remove=["tag3", "tag4"]) Generate a report of adapters that are missing from each asset. >>> assets = apiobj.get(report_adapters_missing=True) Generate a report of installed software that does not match a list of regex for each asset. >>> assets = apiobj.get(report_software_whitelist=["chrome", "^adobe.*acrobat"]) Echo to STDERR progress messages. >>> assets = apiobj.get(do_echo=True) Change the amount of assets that echo page progress when do_echo is true. >>> assets = apiobj.get(do_echo=True, page_progress=100) Supply a set of custom callbacks to process each row before all builtin callbacks are run. Custom callbacks receive two arguments: ``self`` (the current callback object) and ``rows`` (the current rows being processed). Custom callbacks must return a list of rows. >>> def custom_cb1(self, rows): ... for row in rows: ... row["internal_axon_id"] = row["internal_axon_id"].upper() ... return rows ... >>> assets = apiobj.get(custom_cbs=[custom_cb1]) See Also: * :meth:`args_map_custom` for callback specific arguments to format and export data. Notes: These arguments can be supplied as extra kwargs passed to :meth:`axonius_api_client.api.assets.users.Users.get` or :meth:`axonius_api_client.api.assets.devices.Devices.get` """ args = {} args.update(cls.args_map_base()) args.update(cls.args_map_custom()) return args
[docs] @classmethod def args_map_custom(cls) -> dict: """Get the custom argument names and their defaults for this callbacks object. See Also: :meth:`args_map` for the arguments for all callback objects. Notes: This callback object has no custom arguments. """ return {}
[docs] @classmethod def args_map_base(cls) -> dict: """Get the map of arguments that can be supplied to GETARGS.""" return { "field_excludes": [], "field_flatten": False, "field_explode": None, "field_titles": False, "field_compress": False, "field_replace": [], "field_join": False, "field_join_value": FIELD_JOINER, "field_join_trim": FIELD_TRIM_LEN, "field_null": False, "field_null_value": None, "field_null_value_complex": [], "tags_add": [], "expirable_tags": [], "tags_add_invert_selection": False, "tags_remove": [], "tags_remove_invert_selection": False, "report_adapters_missing": False, "report_software_whitelist": [], "page_progress": 10000, "do_echo": False, "custom_cbs": [], "debug_timing": False, "explode_entities": False, "include_dates": False, "csv_field_flatten": True, "csv_field_join": True, "csv_field_null": True, }
[docs] def get_arg_value(self, arg: str) -> t.Any: """Get an argument value. Args: arg: key to get from :attr:`GETARGS` with a default value from :meth:`args_map` """ return self.GETARGS.get(arg, self.args_map()[arg])
[docs] def set_arg_value(self, arg: str, value: t.Any): """Set an argument value. Args: arg: key to set in :attr:`GETARGS` value: value to set for key """ self.GETARGS[arg] = value
[docs] def __init__( self, apiobj, store: dict, state: Optional[dict] = None, getargs: dict = None, ): """Callbacks base class for assets. Args: apiobj (:obj:`axonius_api_client.api.assets.asset_mixin.AssetMixin`): Asset object that created this callback store: store tracker of get method that created this callback state: state tracker of get method that created this callback getargs: kwargs passed to assets get method that created this callback """ self.LOG: logging.Logger = apiobj.LOG.getChild(self.__class__.__name__) """logger for this object.""" self.APIOBJ = apiobj self.ALL_SCHEMAS: dict = apiobj.fields.get() self.STATE: dict = state or {} self.STORE: dict = store or {} self.CURRENT_ROWS: List[dict] = [] self.GETARGS: dict = getargs or {} self.TAG_ROWS_ADD: List[dict] = [] self.TAG_ROWS_REMOVE: List[dict] = [] self.CUSTOM_CB_EXC: List[dict] = [] self._init()
[docs] def _init(self): """Post init setup.""" pass
[docs] def start(self, **kwargs): """Start this callbacks object.""" self.echo(msg=f"Starting {self}") excludes = listify(self.get_arg_value("field_excludes")) explode_entities = self.get_arg_value("explode_entities") include_details = self.STORE.get("include_details", False) if explode_entities: if not include_details: self.echo( msg=f"Enabling 'include_details' due to 'explode_entities'={explode_entities}", debug=True, ) self.STORE["include_details"] = include_details = True if include_details: missing = [x for x in FIELDS_DETAILS_EXCLUDE if x not in excludes] self.echo(msg=f"Adding fields {missing} to field_excludes: {excludes}", debug=True) self.set_arg_value("field_excludes", value=excludes + missing) cb_args = crjoin(join_kv(obj=self.GETARGS)) self.LOG.debug(f"Get Extra Arguments: {cb_args}") config = crjoin(self.args_strs) self.echo(msg=f"Configuration: {config}") store = crjoin(join_kv(obj=self.STORE)) self.echo(msg=f"Get Arguments: {store}")
# noinspection PyUnusedLocal
[docs] def echo_columns(self, **kwargs): """Echo the columns of the fields selected.""" if getattr(self, "ECHO_DONE", False): return schemas_pretty = self.APIOBJ.fields._prettify_schemas(schemas=self.schemas_selected) schemas_pretty = crjoin(schemas_pretty) self.echo(msg=f"Selected Columns: {schemas_pretty}") if self.excluded_schemas: schemas_pretty = self.APIOBJ.fields._prettify_schemas(schemas=self.excluded_schemas) schemas_pretty = crjoin(schemas_pretty) self.echo(msg=f"Excluded Columns: {schemas_pretty}") final_columns = crjoin(self.final_columns) self.echo(msg=f"Final Columns: {final_columns}") self.ECHO_DONE = True
[docs] def stop(self, **kwargs): """Stop this callbacks object.""" self.do_tagging() self.echo(msg=f"Stopping {self}")
[docs] def echo_page_progress(self): """Echo progress per N rows using an echo method.""" page_progress = self.get_arg_value("page_progress") if not page_progress or not isinstance(page_progress, int): return proc = self.STATE.get("rows_processed_total", 0) or 0 total = self.STATE.get("rows_to_fetch_total", 0) or 0 taken = self.STATE.get("fetch_seconds_total", 0) or 0 page_total = self.STATE.get("pages_to_fetch_total", 0) or 0 page_num = self.STATE.get("page_number", 0) or 0 if not ((proc % page_progress == 0) or (proc >= total) or (proc <= 1)): return percent = calc_percent(part=proc, whole=total) percent = f"{percent:.2f}%" percent = f"{percent:>7}" total_len = len(str(total)) rows = f"[ROWS: {proc:>{total_len}} / {total}]" page_total_len = len(str(page_total)) pages = f"[PAGES: {page_num:>{page_total_len}} / {page_total}]" taken = f"{taken:.2f} seconds so far" self.echo(msg=f"PROGRESS: {percent} {rows} {pages} in {taken}")
[docs] def do_pre_row(self, rows: Union[List[dict], dict]) -> List[dict]: """Pre-processing callbacks for current row. Args: rows: rows to process """ rows = listify(rows) self.CURRENT_ROWS = rows self.STATE.setdefault("rows_processed_total", 0) self.STATE["rows_processed_total"] += 1 self.echo_columns() self.echo_page_progress() return rows
[docs] def process_row(self, row: Union[List[dict], dict]) -> List[dict]: """Process the callbacks for current row. Args: row: row to process """ rows = listify(row) rows = self.do_pre_row(rows=rows) rows = self.do_row(rows=rows) return rows
@property def callbacks(self) -> list: """Get order of callbacks to run.""" return [ self.do_custom_cbs, self.process_tags_to_add, self.process_tags_to_remove, self.add_report_adapters_missing, self.add_report_software_whitelist, self.add_include_dates, self.do_excludes, self.do_add_null_values, self.do_explode_entities, self.do_flatten_fields, self.do_explode_field, self.do_join_values, self.do_change_field_titles, self.do_change_field_compress, self.do_change_field_replace, ]
[docs] def do_row(self, rows: Union[List[dict], dict]) -> List[dict]: """Execute the callbacks for current row. Args: rows: rows to process """ debug_timing = self.get_arg_value("debug_timing") p_start = None cb_start = None if debug_timing: # pragma: no cover p_start = dt_now() for cb in self.callbacks: if debug_timing: # pragma: no cover cb_start = dt_now() rows = cb(rows=rows) # print(f"{cb} {json_dump(rows)}") if debug_timing and cb_start: # pragma: no cover cb_delta = dt_now() - cb_start self.LOG.debug(f"CALLBACK {cb} took {cb_delta} for {len(rows)} rows") if debug_timing and p_start: # pragma: no cover p_delta = dt_now() - p_start self.LOG.debug(f"CALLBACKS TOOK {p_delta} for {len(rows)} rows") return rows
[docs] def do_custom_cbs(self, rows: Union[List[dict], dict]) -> List[dict]: """Execute any custom callbacks for current row. Args: rows: rows to process """ rows = listify(rows) custom_cbs = listify(self.get_arg_value("custom_cbs")) for custom_cb in custom_cbs: try: rows = custom_cb(self=self, rows=rows) rows = listify(rows) except Exception as exc: msg = f"Custom callback {custom_cb} failed: {exc}" self.CUSTOM_CB_EXC.append({"cb": custom_cb, "exc": exc, "msg": msg}) self.echo(msg=msg, error="exception", abort=False) return rows
[docs] def do_add_null_values(self, rows: Union[List[dict], dict]) -> List[dict]: """Null out missing fields. Args: rows: rows to process """ rows = listify(rows) field_null = self.get_arg_value("field_null") if not field_null: return rows for row in rows: for schema in self.schemas_selected: self._do_add_null_values(row=row, schema=schema) return rows
[docs] def _do_add_null_values(self, row: dict, schema: dict, key: str = "name_qual"): """Null out missing fields. Args: row: row being processed schema: field schema to add null values for key: key of field schema to add null value for in row """ if self.is_excluded(schema=schema) or schema.get("is_details", False): return row null_value = self.get_arg_value("field_null_value") complex_null_value = self.get_arg_value("field_null_value_complex") field = schema[key] if schema["is_complex"]: if field not in row: row[field] = complex_null_value for item in row[field]: for sub_schema in self.get_sub_schemas(schema=schema): self._do_add_null_values(schema=sub_schema, row=item, key="name") else: if field not in row: row[field] = null_value return row
[docs] def do_excludes(self, rows: Union[List[dict], dict]) -> List[dict]: """Asset callback to remove fields from row. Args: rows: rows to process """ rows = listify(rows) if not self.get_arg_value("field_excludes"): return rows for row in rows: self._do_excludes(row=row) return rows
[docs] def _do_excludes(self, row: dict): """Asset callback to remove fields from row. Args: row: row being processed """ for schema in self.schemas_selected: field = schema["name_qual"] if self.is_excluded(schema=schema) and field in row: row.pop(field) continue if schema["is_complex"]: items = listify(row.get(field, [])) for sub_schema in schema["sub_fields"]: if self.is_excluded(schema=sub_schema): sub_field = sub_schema["name"] for item in items: if sub_field in item: item.pop(sub_field)
[docs] def do_join_values(self, rows: Union[List[dict], dict]) -> List[dict]: """Join values. Args: rows: rows to process """ rows = listify(rows) if not self.get_arg_value("field_join"): return rows for row in rows: self._do_join_values(row=row) return rows
[docs] def _do_join_values(self, row: dict): """Join values. Args: row: row being processed """ joiner = str(self.get_arg_value("field_join_value")) trim_len = coerce_int(self.get_arg_value("field_join_trim")) trim_str = FIELD_TRIM_STR for field in row: value = row[field] if isinstance(value, list): row[field] = value = joiner.join([str(x) for x in value]) if trim_len and isinstance(value, str) and len(value) >= trim_len: field_len = len(value) msg = trim_str.format(field_len=field_len, trim_len=trim_len) value = [value[:trim_len], msg] row[field] = joiner.join(value)
[docs] def do_change_field_replace(self, rows: Union[List[dict], dict]) -> List[dict]: """Asset callback to replace characters. Args: rows: rows to process """ rows = listify(rows) if not self.field_replacements: return rows rows = [{self._field_replace(key=k): v for k, v in row.items()} for row in rows] return rows
[docs] def _field_replace(self, key: str) -> str: """Parse fields into required format.""" if self.field_replacements: for x, y in self.field_replacements: key = key.replace(x, y) return key
@property def field_replacements(self) -> List[Tuple[str, str]]: """Parse the supplied list of field name replacements.""" def parse_replace(replace): """Parse the supplied list of field name replacements.""" if isinstance(replace, str): replace = replace.split("=", maxsplit=1) if not isinstance(replace, (tuple, list)) or not replace[0]: replace = [] if len(replace) == 1: replace = [replace[0], ""] return replace if not hasattr(self, "_field_replacements"): replaces = listify(self.get_arg_value("field_replace")) replaces = [parse_replace(x) for x in replaces] self._field_replacements = [x for x in replaces if x] return self._field_replacements
[docs] def do_change_field_compress(self, rows: Union[List[dict], dict]) -> List[dict]: """Asset callback to shorten field names. Args: rows: rows to process """ rows = listify(rows) if not self.get_arg_value("field_compress"): return rows rows = [{self._field_compress(key=k): v for k, v in row.items()} for row in rows] return rows
[docs] def _field_compress(self, key: str) -> str: """Parse fields into required format.""" if not self.get_arg_value("field_compress"): return key splits = key.split(".") if splits[0] == "specific_data": prefix = AGG_ADAPTER_NAME # remove '' splits = splits[2:] elif splits[0] == "adapters_data": prefix = strip_right(obj=splits[1], fix="_adapter") # remove 'adapters_data.aws_adapter' splits = splits[2:] else: return key new_key = ".".join(splits) return ":".join([x for x in [prefix, new_key] if x])
[docs] def do_change_field_titles(self, rows: Union[List[dict], dict]) -> List[dict]: """Asset callback to change qual name to title. Args: rows: rows to process """ rows = listify(rows) if not self.get_arg_value("field_titles"): return rows for row in rows: self._do_change_field_titles(row=row) return rows
[docs] def _do_change_field_titles(self, row: dict): """Asset callback to change qual name to title. Args: row: row being processed """ null_value = self.get_arg_value("field_null_value") complex_null_value = self.get_arg_value("field_null_value_complex") for schema in self.final_schemas: title = schema["column_title"] name = schema["name_qual"] is_complex = schema["is_complex"] default = complex_null_value if is_complex else null_value row[title] = row.pop(name, default)
[docs] def do_flatten_fields(self, rows: Union[List[dict], dict]) -> List[dict]: """Asset callback to flatten complex fields. Args: rows: rows to process """ rows = listify(rows) if not self.get_arg_value("field_flatten"): return rows for row in rows: for schema in self.schemas_selected: if self.schema_to_explode != schema and not schema.get("is_details", False): self._do_flatten_fields(row=row, schema=schema) return rows
[docs] def _do_flatten_fields(self, row: dict, schema: dict): """Asset callback to flatten complex fields. Args: row: row being processed schema: schema to use when flattening """ if self.is_excluded(schema=schema): return if not schema["is_complex"]: return null_value = self.get_arg_value("field_null_value") field = schema["name_qual"] # remove the complex field, i.e. # force it into a list of items items = listify(row.pop(field, [])) for sub_schema in self.get_sub_schemas(schema=schema): sub_field = sub_schema["name_qual"] sub_short = sub_schema["name"] # for each sub-field, ensure there is an empty list to store values row[sub_field] = [] # for each complex item, remove the sub-field, force it into a list, # and append it to the sub-fields fully qualified name at the root row level for item in items: value = item.pop(sub_short, null_value) value = value if isinstance(value, list) else [value] row[sub_field] += value
[docs] def do_explode_entities(self, rows: Union[List[dict], dict]) -> List[dict]: """Explode a row into a row for each asset entity. Args: rows: rows being processed """ rows = listify(rows) explode = self.get_arg_value("explode_entities") if not explode: return rows new_rows = [] for row in rows: new_rows += self._do_explode_entities(row=row) return new_rows
[docs] def _do_explode_entities(self, row: dict) -> List[dict]: """Explode a row into multiple rows for each asset entity. Args: row: row being processed """ def explode(idx: int, adapter: str) -> dict: """Explode a row into a row for each asset entity.""" new_row = {"adapters": adapter} for k, v in row.items(): if k in FIELDS_ENTITY_PASSTHRU or k.endswith("_preferred"): new_row[k] = v continue if (k in FIELDS_DETAILS or k.endswith("_details")) and not k.endswith( "_preferred_details" ): new_k = strip_right(obj=k, fix="_details") if k not in FIELDS_DETAILS else k try: new_row.setdefault(new_k, v[idx]) except Exception: msg = ( f"Adapters length {adapters_cnt} != details length {len(v)} on {k}: {v}" ) self.echo(msg=msg, warning=True) continue return new_row adapters = row.get("adapters") or [] adapters_cnt = len(adapters) new_rows = [explode(idx=idx, adapter=adapter) for idx, adapter in enumerate(adapters)] return new_rows
[docs] def do_explode_field(self, rows: Union[List[dict], dict]) -> List[dict]: """Explode a field into multiple rows. Args: rows: rows being processed """ rows = listify(rows) explode = self.get_arg_value("field_explode") if not explode or self.is_excluded(schema=self.schema_to_explode): return rows new_rows = [] for row in rows: new_rows += self._do_explode_field(row=row) return new_rows
[docs] def _do_explode_field(self, row: dict) -> List[dict]: """Explode a field into multiple rows. Args: row: row being processed """ null_value = self.get_arg_value("field_null_value") schema = self.schema_to_explode field = schema["name_qual"] if len(listify(row.get(field, []))) <= 1: # pragma: no cover self._do_flatten_fields(row=row, schema=schema) return [row] items = listify(row.pop(field, [])) new_rows_map = {} for idx, item in enumerate(items): new_rows_map[idx] = dict(row) if schema["is_complex"]: for sub_schema in self.get_sub_schemas(schema=schema): value = item.pop(sub_schema["name"], null_value) new_rows_map[idx][sub_schema["name_qual"]] = value else: new_rows_map[idx][schema["name_qual"]] = item return [new_rows_map[idx] for idx in new_rows_map]
[docs] def do_tagging(self): """Add or remove tags to assets.""" self.do_tag_add() self.do_tag_remove()
[docs] def do_tag_add(self): """Add tags to assets.""" tags = listify(self.get_arg_value("tags_add")) expirable_tags = self.get_arg_value("expirable_tags") rows = self.TAG_ROWS_ADD invert_selection = self.get_arg_value("tags_add_invert_selection") count_tags = len(tags) count_supplied = len(rows) msgs = [ f" Tags supplied ({count_tags}): {tags}", f" Asset IDs supplied ({count_supplied})", f" Invert selection: {invert_selection}", ] if tags: self.echo(["Performing API call to add tags to assets", *msgs]) count_modified = self.APIOBJ.labels.add( rows=rows, labels=tags, invert_selection=invert_selection, expirable_tags=expirable_tags, ) self.echo(msg=[f"API added tags to {count_modified} assets", *msgs])
[docs] def do_tag_remove(self): """Remove tags from assets.""" tags = listify(self.get_arg_value("tags_remove")) rows = self.TAG_ROWS_REMOVE invert_selection = self.get_arg_value("tags_remove_invert_selection") count_tags = len(tags) count_supplied = len(rows) msgs = [ f" Asset IDs supplied ({count_supplied})", f" Tags supplied ({count_tags}): {tags}", f" Invert selection: {invert_selection}", ] if tags: self.echo(["Performing API call to remove tags from assets", *msgs]) count_modified = self.APIOBJ.labels.remove( rows=rows, labels=tags, invert_selection=invert_selection ) msgs = [ f"API finished removing tags from assets", f" Asset IDs modified: " f"{count_modified}", *msgs, ] self.echo(msg=msgs)
[docs] def process_tags_to_add(self, rows: Union[List[dict], dict]) -> List[dict]: """Add assets to tracker for adding tags. Args: rows: rows to process """ rows = listify(rows) tags = listify(self.get_arg_value("tags_add")) if not tags: return rows for row in rows: tag_row = {"internal_axon_id": row["internal_axon_id"]} if tag_row not in self.TAG_ROWS_ADD: self.TAG_ROWS_ADD.append(tag_row) return rows
[docs] def process_tags_to_remove(self, rows: Union[List[dict], dict]) -> List[dict]: """Add assets to tracker for removing tags. Args: rows: rows to process """ rows = listify(rows) tags = listify(self.get_arg_value("tags_remove")) if not tags: return rows for row in rows: tag_row = {"internal_axon_id": row["internal_axon_id"]} if tag_row not in self.TAG_ROWS_REMOVE: self.TAG_ROWS_REMOVE.append(tag_row) return rows
[docs] def add_report_software_whitelist(self, rows: Union[List[dict], dict]) -> List[dict]: """Process report: Software whitelist. Args: rows: rows to process """ rows = listify(rows) whitelists = listify(self.get_arg_value("report_software_whitelist")) if not whitelists: return rows for row in rows: self._add_report_software_whitelist(row=row) return rows
[docs] def _add_report_software_whitelist(self, row: dict): """Process report: Software whitelist. Args: row: row being processed """ whitelists = listify(self.get_arg_value("report_software_whitelist")) sw_field = "" if sw_field not in self.fields_selected: msg = f"Must include field (column) {sw_field!r}" self.echo(msg=msg, error=ApiError, level="error") sws = listify(row.get(sw_field, [])) names = [x.get("name") for x in sws if x.get("name") and isinstance(x.get("name"), str)] extras = [n for n in names if any([, n, re.I)] for x in whitelists)] missing = [x for x in whitelists if any([, n, re.I) for n in names])] schemas = SCHEMAS_CUSTOM["report_software_whitelist"] row[schemas["software_missing"]["name_qual"]] = sorted(list(set(missing))) row[schemas["software_whitelist"]["name_qual"]] = whitelists row[schemas["software_extra"]["name_qual"]] = sorted(list(set(extras)))
[docs] def add_include_dates(self, rows: Union[List[dict], dict]) -> List[dict]: """Process report: Add dates (history and current) Args: rows: rows to process """ def _add_date(row): row.update(updater) return row rows = listify(rows) enabled = self.get_arg_value("include_dates") if not enabled: return rows history_date = self.STORE.get("history_date_parsed") current_date = str(dt_now()) schemas = SCHEMAS_CUSTOM["include_dates"] updater = { schemas["history_date"]["name_qual"]: history_date, schemas["current_date"]["name_qual"]: current_date, } rows = [_add_date(row) for row in rows] return rows
[docs] def add_report_adapters_missing(self, rows: Union[List[dict], dict]) -> List[dict]: """Process report: Missing adapters. Args: rows: rows to process """ rows = listify(rows) missing = self.get_arg_value("report_adapters_missing") if not missing: return rows for row in rows: self._add_report_adapters_missing(row=row) return rows
[docs] def _add_report_adapters_missing(self, row: dict): """Process report: Missing adapters. Args: row: row being processed """ schemas = SCHEMAS_CUSTOM["report_adapters_missing"] schema = schemas["adapters_missing"] field_name = schema["name_qual"] adapters_row = row.get("adapters", []) adapter_map = self.adapter_map missing = [] for adapter in adapter_map["all"]: if adapter in adapters_row: continue if adapter not in adapter_map["all_fields"]: continue if adapter not in missing: missing.append(adapter) row[field_name] = missing
# TBD: make this support normal field selection concepts
[docs] def is_excluded(self, schema: dict) -> bool: """Check if a name supplied to field_excludes matches one of FIND_KEYS. Args: schema: field schema """ for excluded_schema in self.excluded_schemas: for key in self.FIND_KEYS: schema_key = schema.get(key, None) excluded_key = excluded_schema.get(key, None) if (schema_key and excluded_schema) and (schema_key == excluded_key): return True return False
@property def excluded_schemas(self) -> List[dict]: """List of all schemas that should be excluded.""" if not hasattr(self, "_excluded_schemas"): excludes = listify(self.get_arg_value("field_excludes")) self._excluded_schemas = self.APIOBJ.fields.get_field_names_eq( value=excludes, key=None, selectable_only=False ) return self._excluded_schemas
[docs] def echo( self, msg: t.Union[str, t.List[str]], debug: bool = False, error: Union[bool, str, t.Type[Exception]] = False, warning: bool = False, level: str = "info", level_debug: str = "debug", level_error: str = "error", level_warning: str = "warning", abort: bool = True, ): """Echo a message to console or log it. Args: msg: message to echo error: message is an error warning: message is a warning level: logging level for non error/non warning messages level_debug: logging level for debug messages level_error: logging level for error messages level_warning: logging level for warning messages abort: sys.exit(1) if error is true debug: message is a debug message """ do_echo = self.get_arg_value("do_echo") msg = "\n".join(listify(msg)) if do_echo: if error: echo_error(msg=msg, abort=abort) elif warning: echo_warn(msg=msg) elif debug: echo_debug(msg=msg) else: echo_ok(msg=msg) else: if error: getattr(self.LOG, level_error)(msg) if abort: if not is_subclass_safe(error, Exception): error = ApiError raise error(msg) elif warning: getattr(self.LOG, level_warning)(msg) elif debug: getattr(self.LOG, level_debug)(msg) else: getattr(self.LOG, level)(msg)
[docs] def get_sub_schemas(self, schema: dict) -> Generator[dict, None, None]: """Get all the schemas of sub-fields for a complex field. Args: schema: schema of complex field """ sub_schemas = listify(schema.get("sub_fields")) for sub_schema in sub_schemas: if self.is_excluded(schema=sub_schema) or not sub_schema["is_root"]: continue yield sub_schema
@property def custom_schemas(self) -> List[dict]: """Get the custom schemas based on GETARGS.""" schemas = [] if self.get_arg_value("report_adapters_missing"): schemas += list(SCHEMAS_CUSTOM["report_adapters_missing"].values()) if self.get_arg_value("report_software_whitelist"): schemas += list(SCHEMAS_CUSTOM["report_software_whitelist"].values()) if self.get_arg_value("include_dates"): schemas += list(SCHEMAS_CUSTOM["include_dates"].values()) return schemas @property def final_schemas(self) -> List[dict]: """Get the schemas that will be returned.""" if hasattr(self, "_final_schemas"): return self._final_schemas flat = self.get_arg_value("field_flatten") explode_field = self.schema_to_explode.get("name_qual", "") explode_entities = self.get_arg_value("explode_entities") final = {} for schema in self.schemas_selected: if self.is_excluded(schema=schema): continue name = schema["name_qual"] if explode_entities and name.endswith("_details") and name not in FIELDS_DETAILS: continue is_explode_field = name == explode_field if schema["is_complex"] and (is_explode_field or flat): for sub_schema in self.get_sub_schemas(schema=schema): final[sub_schema["name_qual"]] = sub_schema else: final.setdefault(name, schema) self._final_schemas = list(final.values()) return self._final_schemas @property def final_columns(self) -> List[str]: """Get the columns that will be returned.""" def get_key(s): """Get the key for a schema.""" return self._field_replace(self._field_compress(s[key])) if hasattr(self, "_final_columns"): return self._final_columns use_titles = self.get_arg_value("field_titles") key = "column_title" if use_titles else "name_qual" self._final_columns = [get_key(s) for s in self.final_schemas] return self._final_columns @property def fields_selected(self) -> List[str]: """Get the names of the fields that were selected.""" if hasattr(self, "_fields_selected"): return self._fields_selected include_details = self.STORE.get("include_details", False) fields = listify(self.STORE.get("fields_parsed", [])) api_fields = [x for x in self.APIOBJ.FIELDS_API if x not in fields] if include_details: api_fields += FIELDS_DETAILS self._fields_selected = [] for field in api_fields + fields: self._fields_selected.append(field) if include_details and field not in FIELDS_DETAILS and not field.endswith("_details"): field_details = f"{field}_details" self._fields_selected.append(field_details) for row in self.CURRENT_ROWS: self._fields_selected += [x for x in row if x not in self._fields_selected] return self._fields_selected # TBD move _details fields from selected to final?! @property def schemas_selected(self) -> List[dict]: """Get the schemas of the fields that were selected.""" if hasattr(self, "_schemas_selected"): return self._schemas_selected self._schemas_selected = self.custom_schemas + self.APIOBJ.fields.get_field_names_eq( value=self.fields_selected, key=None, fields_error=False, selectable_only=False ) return self._schemas_selected @property def schema_to_explode(self) -> dict: """Get the schema of the field that should be exploded.""" if hasattr(self, "_schema_to_explode"): return self._schema_to_explode explode = self.get_arg_value("field_explode") self._schema_to_explode = {} if not explode: return self._schema_to_explode valids = [] for schema in self.schemas_selected: for key in self.FIND_KEYS: name = schema.get(key) if name: valids.append(name) if name == explode: self._schema_to_explode = schema return self._schema_to_explode valids = sorted(list(set(valids))) self.echo(msg=f"Explode field {explode!r} not found, valid fields:{valids}", error=ApiError) @property def adapter_map(self) -> dict: """Build a map of adapters that have connections.""" if getattr(self, "_adapter_map", None): return getattr(self, "_adapter_map", None) self._adapters_meta = getattr( self, "_adapters_meta", self.APIOBJ.adapters.get(get_clients=False) ) self._adapter_map = {} self._adapter_map["has_cnx"] = has_cnx = [] self._adapter_map["all"] = all_adapters = [] self._adapter_map["all_fields"] = [f"{x}_adapter" for x in self.ALL_SCHEMAS] for adapter in self._adapters_meta: name_raw = adapter["name_raw"] cnt = adapter["cnx_count_total"] if name_raw not in all_adapters: all_adapters.append(name_raw) if cnt and name_raw not in has_cnx: has_cnx.append(name_raw) return self._adapter_map @property def args_strs(self) -> List[str]: """Get a list of strings that describe each arg in :meth:`args_map`.""" lines = [] arg_desc = {k: v for k, v in ARG_DESCRIPTIONS.items() if k in self.args_map()} longest = longest_str(list(arg_desc.values())) for arg in self.args_map(): desc = f"{arg_desc[arg]}:" value = self.get_arg_value(arg) if isinstance(value, str): value = repr(value) lines.append(f"{desc:{longest}}{value}") return lines
[docs] def __str__(self) -> str: """Show info for this object.""" return f"{self.CB_NAME.upper()} processor"
[docs] def __repr__(self) -> str: """Show info for this object.""" return self.__str__()
CB_NAME: str = "base" """name for this callback""" FIND_KEYS: List[str] = ["name", "name_qual", "column_title"] """field schema keys to use when finding a fields schema""" APIOBJ = None """:obj:`axonius_api_client.api.assets.asset_mixin.AssetMixin`: assets object.""" ALL_SCHEMAS: dict = None """Map of adapter -> field schemas.""" STATE: dict = None """state dict used by get assets method to track paging.""" STORE: dict = None """store dict used by get assets method to track arguments.""" CURRENT_ROWS: t.Optional[t.List[dict]] = None """current rows being processed""" GETARGS: dict = None """original kwargs supplied to get assets method.""" TAG_ROWS_ADD: List[dict] = None """tracker of assets to add tags to in :meth:`do_tagging`.""" TAG_ROWS_REMOVE: List[dict] = None """tracker of assets to remove tags from in :meth:`do_tagging`.""" CUSTOM_CB_EXC: List[dict] = None """tracker of custom callbacks that have been executed by :meth:`do_custom_cbs`"""
# noinspection PyAttributeOutsideInit
[docs]class ExportMixins(Base): """Export mixins for callbacks."""
[docs] @classmethod def args_map_export(cls) -> dict: """Get the export argument names and their defaults for this callbacks object. See Also: :meth:`args_map_custom` for the arguments specific to this callback object. :meth:`args_map` for the arguments for all callback objects. """ return { "export_file": None, "export_path": DEFAULT_PATH, "export_overwrite": False, "export_backup": False, "export_schema": False, "export_fd": None, "export_fd_close": True, }
[docs] def open_fd(self) -> IO: """Open a file descriptor.""" if self.arg_export_fd: return self.open_fd_arg() elif self.arg_export_file: return self.open_fd_path() else: return self.open_fd_stdout()
[docs] def open_fd_arg(self) -> IO: """Open a file descriptor supplied in GETARGS.""" self._fd: IO = self.arg_export_fd self._fd_close: bool = self.arg_export_fd_close self._fd_info: str = f"{self._fd}" self.echo(msg=f"Exporting to {self._fd_info}") return self._fd
@property def export_full_path(self) -> pathlib.Path: """Pass.""" return get_paths_format( self.arg_export_path, self.arg_export_file, mapping=self.export_templates )
[docs] def open_fd_path(self) -> IO: """Open a file descriptor for a path.""" export_fd_close = self.arg_export_fd_close export_backup = self.arg_export_backup export_overwrite = self.arg_export_overwrite self._file_path: pathlib.Path = self.export_full_path self._file_path_backup: Optional[pathlib.Path] = None self._fd_close: bool = export_fd_close check_path_is_not_dir(path=self._file_path) if self._file_path.exists(): if export_backup: self._file_path_backup: pathlib.Path = path_backup_file(path=self._file_path) self._file_mode: str = "Renamed existing file and created new file" self.echo( msg=f"Renamed existing file to {str(self._file_path_backup)!r}", debug=True, ) elif not export_overwrite: msg = f"Export file {str(self._file_path)!r} already exists and overwrite is False!" self.echo(msg=msg, error=ApiError, level="error") else: self._file_mode: str = "Overwrote existing file" else: self._file_mode: str = "Created new file" if not self._file_path.parent.is_dir(): self._file_path.parent.mkdir(mode=0o700, parents=True, exist_ok=True) self.echo(msg=f"Created directory {str(self._file_path.parent)!r}", debug=True) if not self._file_path.exists(): self._file_path.touch(mode=0o600) self.echo(msg=f"Created new file {str(self._file_path)!r}", debug=True) self._fd_info: str = f"file {str(self._file_path)!r} ({self._file_mode})" self.echo(msg=f"Exporting to {self._fd_info}") self._fd: IO ="w", encoding="utf-8") return self._fd
[docs] def open_fd_stdout(self) -> IO: """Open a file descriptor to STDOUT.""" self._fd_close: bool = False self._fd: IO = sys.stdout self._fd_info: str = "stdout" self.echo(msg=f"Exporting to {self._fd_info}") return self._fd
[docs] def close_fd(self): """Close a file descriptor.""" self._fd.write("\n") close = getattr(self, "_fd_close", False) closer = getattr(self._fd, "close", None) if close and callable(closer): closer() self.echo(msg=f"Finished exporting to {self._fd_info}")
@property def export_templates(self) -> dict: """Pass.""" return self.STORE.get("export_templates") or {} @property def arg_export_fd(self) -> Optional[IO]: """Pass.""" return self.get_arg_value("export_fd") @property def arg_export_file(self) -> Optional[PathLike]: """Pass.""" value = self.get_arg_value("export_file") if isinstance(value, (str, pathlib.Path)) and value: return value return None @property def arg_export_path(self) -> pathlib.Path: """Pass.""" value = self.get_arg_value("export_path") return get_path(obj=value) @property def arg_export_backup(self) -> bool: """Pass.""" return self.get_arg_value("export_backup") @property def arg_export_overwrite(self) -> bool: """Pass.""" return self.get_arg_value("export_overwrite") @property def arg_export_fd_close(self) -> bool: """Pass.""" return self.get_arg_value("export_fd_close")
ARG_DESCRIPTIONS: dict = { "field_excludes": "Fields to exclude from output", "field_flatten": "Flatten complex fields", "field_explode": "Field to explode", "field_titles": "Rename fields to titles", "field_compress": "Shorten field names in output to 'adapter:field'", "field_replace": "Field name character replacements", "field_join": "Join list field values", "field_join_value": "Join list field values using", "field_join_trim": "Join list field character limit (0 = None)", "field_null": "Add null values for missing fields", "field_null_value": "Null value to use for missing simple fields", "field_null_value_complex": "Null value to use for missing complex fields", "tags_add": "Tags to add to assets", "expirable_tags": "Expiration dates for tags", "tags_add_invert_selection": "Invert selection for tags to add", "tags_remove": "Tags to remove from assets", "tags_remove_invert_selection": "Invert selection for tags to remove", "report_adapters_missing": "Add Missing Adapters calculation", "report_software_whitelist": "Missing Software to calculate", "page_progress": "Echo page progress every N assets", "do_echo": "Echo messages to console", "custom_cbs": "Custom callbacks to perform on assets", "json_flat": "For JSON Export: Use JSONL format", "csv_key_miss": "For CSV Export: Value to use when keys are missing", "csv_key_extras": "For CSV Export: What to do with extra CSV columns", "csv_dialect": "For CSV Export: CSV Dialect to use", "csv_quoting": "For CSV Export: CSV quoting style", "csv_field_flatten": "For CSV/XLSX Export: Enable flattening of complex fields", "csv_field_join": "For CSV/XLSX Export: Enable joining of list fields", "csv_field_null": "For CSV/XLSX Export: Enable null values for missing fields", "export_file": "File to export data to", "export_path": "Directory to export data to", "export_overwrite": "Overwrite export_file if it exists", "export_schema": "Export schema of fields", "export_fd": "Export to a file descriptor", "export_fd_close": "Close the file descriptor when done", "export_backup": "If export_file exists, rename it with the datetime", "table_format": "For Table export: Table format to use", "table_max_rows": "For Table export: Maximum rows to output", "table_api_fields": "For Table export: Include API fields in output", "xlsx_column_length": "For XLSX export: Length to use for every column", "xlsx_cell_format": "For XLSX Export: Formatting to apply to every cell", "debug_timing": "Enable logging of time taken for each callback", "explode_entities": "Split rows into one row for each asset entity", "include_dates": "Include history date and current date as a columns in the output", } """Descriptions of all arguments for all callbacks"""