# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""JSON to CSV export callbacks."""
import json
import tempfile
from typing import List, Union
from ...tools import listify
from .base_csv import Csv
[docs]class JsonToCsv(Csv):
"""Callbacks for formatting asset data and exporting it in CSV format using a temp JSON file.
Create a ``client`` using :obj:`axonius_api_client.connect.Connect` and assume
``apiobj`` is either ``client.devices`` or ``client.users``
>>> apiobj = client.devices # or client.users
* :meth:`args_map` for callback generic arguments to format assets.
* :meth:`args_map_custom` for callback specific arguments to format and export data.
[docs] @classmethod
def args_map_custom(cls) -> dict:
"""Get the custom argument names and their defaults for this callbacks object.
Export the output to STDOUT. If ``export_file`` is not supplied, the default is to
print the output to STDOUT.
>>> assets = apiobj.get(export="json_to_csv")
Export the output to a file in the default path
>>> assets = apiobj.get(export="json_to_csv", export_file="test.csv")
Export the output to an absolute path file (ignoring ``export_path``) and overwrite
the file if it exists.
>>> assets = apiobj.get(
... export="json_to_csv",
... export_file="/tmp/output.csv",
... export_overwrite=True,
... )
Export the output to a file in a specific dir.
>>> assets = apiobj.get(
... export="json_to_csv", export_file="output.csv", export_path="/tmp"
... )
Include the schema of all selected fields in the output.
>>> assets = apiobj.get(export="json_to_csv", export_schema=True)
Export the output to a specific file descriptor and do not close the file descriptor
when finished.
>>> fd = io.StringIO()
>>> assets = apiobj.get(export="json_to_csv", export_fd=fd, export_fd_close=False)
Use 'missing' instead of None for rows that are missing a column.
>>> assets = apiobj.get(
... export="json_to_csv", export_file="test.csv", csv_key_miss='missing'
.... )
Throw an error if an unknown column is found in a row. Must be one of: 'ignore' or
>>> assets = apiobj.get(
... export="json_to_csv", export_file="test.csv", csv_key_extras='raise'
... )
Use 'excel-tab' format instead of 'excel'. Must be one of 'excel', 'excel-tab', or
>>> assets = apiobj.get(
... export="json_to_csv", export_file="test.csv", csv_dialect='excel-tab'
... )
Quote all items instead of just non-numeric. Must be one of 'all', 'minimal',
'nonnumeric', or 'none'.
>>> assets = apiobj.get(
... export="json_to_csv", export_file="test.csv", csv_quoting='all'
... )
See Also:
* :meth:`args_map` for callback generic arguments to format assets.
This callbacks object forces the following arguments to True in order to make the
output usable in the exported format: ``field_null``, ``field_flatten``,
and ``field_join``
These arguments can be supplied as extra kwargs passed to
:meth:`axonius_api_client.api.assets.users.Users.get` or
args = {}
"field_titles": True,
"field_flatten": True,
"field_join": True,
"field_null": True,
"csv_key_miss": None,
"csv_key_extras": "ignore",
"csv_dialect": "excel",
"csv_quoting": "nonnumeric",
return args
[docs] def start(self, **kwargs):
"""Start this callbacks object."""
super(Csv, self).start(**kwargs)
self._temp_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode="w+", encoding="utf-8")
self.echo(msg=f"Writing JSON to temporary file {self._temp_file.name!r}")
[docs] def stop(self, **kwargs):
"""Stop this callbacks object."""
self.STATE["rows_processed_total"] = 0
self.echo(msg="Re-reading temporary file and converting to CSV")
for line in self._temp_file.file.readlines():
row = json.loads(line.strip())
rows = listify(row)
rows = self.do_pre_row(rows=rows)
rows = self.do_row(rows=rows)
del rows, row, line
self.echo(msg=f"Closing and deleting temporary file {self._temp_file.name!r}")
super(JsonToCsv, self).stop(**kwargs)
[docs] def process_row(self, row: Union[List[dict], dict]) -> List[dict]:
"""Process the callbacks for current row.
row: row to process
rows = listify(row)
row_return = [{"internal_axon_id": row["internal_axon_id"]} for row in rows]
rows = self.do_pre_row(rows=rows)
for row in rows:
value = json.dumps(row)
del row, value
return row_return
CB_NAME: str = "json_to_csv"
"""name for this callback"""