"""Utilities and tools."""
import codecs
import contextlib
import csv
import dataclasses
import datetime
import inspect
import io
import ipaddress
import json
import logging
import pathlib
import platform
import re
import sys
import types
import typing as t
import uuid
from itertools import zip_longest
from urllib.parse import urljoin
import bson
import click
import dateutil.parser
import dateutil.relativedelta
import dateutil.tz
import marshmallow
import typing_extensions as te
from .constants.api import GUI_PAGE_SIZES, REFRESH, FolderDefaults
from .constants.ctypes import (
from .constants.general import (
from .constants.logs import MAX_BODY_LEN
from .exceptions import FormatError, ToolsError
from .setup_env import find_dotenv, get_env_ax
LOG: logging.Logger = logging.getLogger(PACKAGE_ROOT).getChild("tools")
[docs]def type_str(
value: t.Any,
max_len: int = 60,
join: t.Optional[str] = ", ",
) -> t.Union[str, t.List[str]]:
length = len(str(value))
svalue = f"{str(value)[:max_len]}...snip..." if length >= max_len else f"{value}"
items = [
return join.join(items) if isinstance(join, str) else items
[docs]def pathify(
path: PathLike,
path_strict: bool = True,
path_encoding: str = "utf-8",
resolve: bool = True,
expanduser: bool = True,
as_file: bool = False,
as_dir: bool = False,
exts: t.Optional[t.List[str]] = None,
) -> pathlib.Path:
"""Convert a str into a fully resolved & expanded Path object."""
check_type(value=path, exp=(str, bytes, pathlib.Path))
path = bytes_to_str(value=path, encoding=path_encoding, strict=path_strict)
if isinstance(path, pathlib.Path):
resolved = path
path = bytes_to_str(value=path, encoding=path_encoding, strict=path_strict)
resolved = pathlib.Path(path.splitlines()[0])
if expanduser:
resolved = resolved.expanduser()
if resolve:
resolved = resolved.resolve()
vstr = f"(supplied {type_str(path)})"
rstr = f"Resolved path {str(resolved)!r}"
if as_file and not resolved.is_file():
msg = f"{rstr} does not exist as a file {vstr}"
raise ToolsError(msg)
if as_dir and not resolved.is_dir():
msg = f"{rstr} does not exist as a directory {vstr}"
raise ToolsError(msg)
if isinstance(exts, list) and exts and resolved.suffix not in exts:
msg = f"{rstr} with extension {resolved.suffix!r} is not one of {exts}"
raise ToolsError(
return resolved
[docs]def is_existing_file(path: t.Any, **kwargs) -> bool:
"""Check if the supplied value refers to an existing file."""
if isinstance(path, pathlib.Path) and path.is_file():
return True
if isinstance(path, (str, bytes)):
return pathify(path=path, **kwargs).is_file()
except Exception:
return False
return False
[docs]def listify(
obj: t.Any = None,
split: bool = False,
split_max: t.Optional[int] = -1,
split_sep: t.Optional[PatternLike] = SPLITTER,
strip: bool = True,
strip_chars: t.Optional[str] = None,
encoding: str = "utf-8",
errors: str = "replace",
dictkeys: bool = False,
) -> list:
"""Force an object into a list.
* :obj:`list`: returns as is
* :obj:`tuple`: convert to list
* :obj:`None`: returns as an empty list
* any of :data:`axonius_api_client.constants.general.SIMPLE`: return as a list of obj
* :obj:`dict`: if dictkeys is True, return as list of keys of obj,
otherwise return as a list of obj
obj: object to coerce to list
dictkeys: if obj is dict, return list of keys of obj
def stripper(values: t.List[str]) -> t.List[str]:
return (
[y for y in [x.strip(strip_chars) for x in values] if y]
if strip
else values
if "value" in kwargs:
obj = kwargs["value"]
if obj is None:
return []
if isinstance(obj, (types.GeneratorType, list)):
return obj
if isinstance(obj, (tuple, set)):
return list(obj)
if isinstance(obj, dict):
return list(obj) if dictkeys else [obj]
if split:
if isinstance(obj, bytes):
obj = obj.decode(encoding=encoding, errors=errors)
if isinstance(obj, str):
split_args = (
{"maxsplit": split_max}
if isinstance(split_max, int) and split_max >= 0
else {}
if is_pattern(value=split_sep):
return stripper(split_sep.split(obj, **split_args))
return stripper(obj.split(sep=split_sep, **split_args))
return [obj]
[docs]def grouper(
iterable: t.Iterable,
n: int,
fillvalue: t.Optional[t.Any] = None,
) -> t.Iterator:
"""Split an iterable into chunks.
iterable: iterable to split into chunks of size `n`
n: length to split iterable into
fillvalue: value to use as filler for last chunk
return zip_longest(*([iter(iterable)] * n), fillvalue=fillvalue)
[docs]def coerce_int(
obj: t.Any,
max_value: t.Optional[int] = None,
min_value: t.Optional[int] = None,
allow_none: bool = False,
as_none: t.Any = None,
valid_values: t.Optional[t.List[int]] = None,
errmsg: t.Optional[str] = None,
) -> t.Optional[int]:
"""Convert an object into int.
obj: object to convert to int
:exc:`ToolsError`: if obj is not int
if allow_none and (obj is None or str(obj).lower().strip() in ["none", "null"]):
return as_none
pre = f"{errmsg}\n" if errmsg else ""
value = int(obj)
except Exception as exc:
msg = f"{pre}Supplied value {obj!r} of type {trype(obj)} is not an integer.\n{exc}"
raise ToolsError(
if max_value is not None and value > max_value:
msg = f"{pre}Supplied value {obj!r} is greater than max value of {max_value}."
raise ToolsError(
if min_value is not None and value < min_value:
msg = f"{pre}Supplied value {obj!r} is less than min value of {min_value}."
raise ToolsError(
if valid_values and value not in valid_values:
msg = f"{pre}Supplied value {obj!r} is not one of {valid_values}."
raise ToolsError(msg)
return value
[docs]def coerce_int_float(
value: t.Union[int, float, str, bytes],
as_float: bool = False,
error: bool = True,
ret_value: bool = False,
as_none: t.Any = None,
) -> t.Optional[t.Union[int, float]]:
"""Coerce a value into int or float.
value (t.Union[int, float, str, bytes]): value to coerce
as_float (bool, optional): if value is an integer, coerce to float
error (bool, optional): raise error if value cannot be coerced
ret_value (bool, optional): return value if it can be coerced
as_none (t.Any, optional): value to return if value cannot be coerced
t.Optional[t.Union[int, float]]:
float or int if value is int, float, int as str, or float as str; else None
if isinstance(value, (float, int)):
return float(value) if as_float else value
value = bytes_to_str(value=value)
if isinstance(value, str):
value = value.strip()
if "." in value and value.replace(".", "").isdigit():
return float(value)
if value.isdigit():
return float(value) if as_float else int(value)
if error:
msg = f"Supplied value {value!r} of type {trype(value)} is not an integer or float."
raise ToolsError(
return value if ret_value is True else as_none
[docs]def coerce_bool(
obj: t.Any,
errmsg: t.Optional[str] = None,
error: bool = True,
allow_none: bool = False,
as_none: t.Any = None,
as_original: bool = False,
) -> bool:
"""Convert an object into bool.
obj: object to coerce to bool, will check against
:data:`axonius_api_client.constants.general.YES` and
:exc:`ToolsError`: obj is not bool
def combine(items):
return ", ".join([f"{x!r}" for x in items])
coerce_obj = obj
if isinstance(obj, bytes):
coerce_obj = coerce_obj.decode("utf-8", errors="ignore")
if isinstance(obj, str):
coerce_obj = coerce_obj.lower().strip()
if coerce_obj in YES:
return True
if coerce_obj in NO:
return False
if not error or (
and (obj is None or str(coerce_obj).lower().strip() in ["none", "null"])
return obj if as_original else as_none
vtype = trype(obj)
msg = listify(errmsg)
msg += [
f"Supplied value {coerce_obj!r} of type {vtype} must be one of:",
f" For True: {combine(YES)}",
f" For False: {combine(NO)}",
raise ToolsError("\n".join(msg))
[docs]def is_str(value: t.Any, not_empty: bool = True) -> bool:
"""Check if value is non-empty string."""
return not (not_empty and not value) if isinstance(value, str) else False
[docs]def is_email(value: t.Any) -> bool:
"""Check if a value is a valid email."""
return is_str(value=value, not_empty=True) and bool(EMAIL_RE.fullmatch(value))
[docs]def is_int(obj: t.Any, digit: bool = False) -> bool:
"""Check if obj is int typeable.
obj: object to check
digit: allow checking str/bytes
if digit and (isinstance(obj, (str, bytes))) and obj.isdigit():
return True
return not isinstance(obj, bool) and isinstance(obj, int)
[docs]def join_url(url: str, *parts) -> str:
"""Join a URL to any number of parts.
url: str to add parts to
*parts: str(s) to append to url
url = url.rstrip("/") + "/"
for part in parts:
if not part:
url = url.rstrip("/") + "/"
part = part.lstrip("/")
url = urljoin(url, part)
return url
[docs]def strip_right(obj: t.Union[t.List[str], str], fix: str) -> t.Union[t.List[str], str]:
"""Strip text from the right side of obj.
obj: str(s) to strip fix from
fix: str to remove from obj(s)
if isinstance(obj, list) and all(isinstance(x, str) for x in obj):
return [strip_right(obj=x, fix=fix) for x in obj]
if isinstance(obj, str):
plen = len(fix)
if obj.endswith(fix):
return obj[:-plen]
return obj
[docs]def strip_left(obj: t.Union[t.List[str], str], fix: str) -> t.Union[t.List[str], str]:
"""Strip text from the left side of obj.
obj: str(s) to strip fix from
fix: str to remove from obj(s)
if isinstance(obj, list) and all(isinstance(x, str) for x in obj):
return [strip_left(obj=x, fix=fix) for x in obj]
if isinstance(obj, str):
plen = len(fix)
if obj.startswith(fix):
return obj[plen:]
return obj
[docs]class AxJSONEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.fallback = kwargs.pop("fallback", None)
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def default(self, obj):
if isinstance(obj, datetime.datetime):
return obj.isoformat()
if has_to_dict(obj):
return obj.to_dict()
if callable(getattr(self, "fallback", None)):
return self.fallback(obj)
return super().default(obj) # pragma: no cover
[docs]def has_to_dict(obj: t.Any) -> bool:
return hasattr(obj, "to_dict") and callable(obj.to_dict)
[docs]def json_dump(
obj: t.Any,
indent: t.Optional[int] = 2,
sort_keys: bool = False,
error: bool = True,
fallback: t.Any = str,
to_dict: bool = True,
cls: t.Type = AxJSONEncoder,
) -> t.Any:
"""Serialize an object into json str.
obj: object to serialize into json str
indent: json str indent level
sort_keys: sort dict keys
error: if json error happens, raise it
**kwargs: passed to :func:`json.dumps`
obj = bytes_to_str(value=obj)
if to_dict and has_to_dict(obj):
obj = obj.to_dict()
return json.dumps(
except Exception: # pragma: no cover
if error:
return obj
[docs]def lens(value: t.Any) -> t.Optional[int]:
return len(value)
except Exception:
return None
[docs]def tlens(value: t.Any) -> t.Optional[int]:
return f"type={trype(value)}, length={lens(value)}"
[docs]def json_load(
obj: t.Union[str, t.IO, pathlib.Path],
error: bool = True,
load_file: bool = True,
close_fh: bool = True,
) -> t.Any:
"""Deserialize a json str into an object.
obj: str to deserialize into obj
error: if json error happens, raise it
**kwargs: passed to :func:`json.loads`
if obj in [None, ""] and not error:
return None
load = obj
method = json.loads
fh = None
if load_file and is_existing_file(load):
method = json.load
path = pathify(obj)
fh = load = path.open()
if isinstance(load, (io.TextIOBase, io.BufferedIOBase)):
method = json.load
return method(load, **kwargs)
except Exception as exc:
msgs = [
f"Unable to load JSON from supplied {tlens(obj)}",
f"error: {exc}",
if error:
nexc = ToolsError(msgs)
nexc.obj = obj
nexc.load = load
nexc.orig_exc = exc
raise nexc
return obj
if close_fh and fh is not None:
except Exception:
[docs]def is_file_like(value: t.Any) -> bool:
return isinstance(value, (io.TextIOBase, io.BufferedIOBase))
[docs]def csv_load(
value: t.Union[str, bytes, PathLike, t.IO],
encoding: str = "utf-8-sig",
restkey: t.Optional[str] = "extra_columns",
close_fh: bool = True,
) -> csv.DictReader:
kwargs["restkey"] = restkey
fh = None
if is_existing_file(value):
path = pathify(value)
kwargs["f"] = fh = path.open(newline="", encoding=encoding)
elif is_file_like(value):
fh = value
kwargs["f"] = value
elif isinstance(value, str):
kwargs["f"] = io.StringIO(value)
elif isinstance(value, bytes):
kwargs["f"] = io.BytesIO(value)
reader = csv.DictReader(**kwargs)
reader.rows = list(reader)
return reader
except Exception as exc:
msgs = [
f"Unable to load CSV {tlens(value)} using args {kwargs}",
f"error: {exc}",
msgs = "\n".join(msgs)
nexc = ToolsError(msgs)
nexc.value = value
nexc.kwargs = kwargs
nexc.orig_exc = exc
raise nexc
if close_fh and fh is not None:
with contextlib.suppress(Exception):
[docs]def jsonl_loader(item: str, idx: int, error: bool = True, **kwargs) -> t.Any:
return json.loads(item, **kwargs)
except Exception as exc:
msgs = [
f"Unable to load JSONL item #{idx + 1}: {item}",
f"error: {exc}",
msgs = "\n".join(msgs)
if error:
nexc = ToolsError(msgs)
nexc.item = item
nexc.orig_exc = exc
raise nexc
[docs]def jsonl_load(
obj: t.Union[str, t.List[str], t.IO],
error: bool = True,
close_fh: bool = True,
) -> t.List[t.Any]:
"""Deserialize a jsonl str into an object.
obj: str to deserialize into obj
error: if json error happens, raise it
**kwargs: passed to :func:`json.loads`
def is_item(item):
if not isinstance(item, str):
return False
if not item.strip() or item.startswith("#"):
return False
return True
fh = None
if is_existing_file(obj):
path = pathify(obj)
fh = path.open()
items = fh.readlines
elif is_file_like(obj):
fh = obj
items = obj.readlines
elif isinstance(obj, (tuple, list)):
items = obj
elif isinstance(obj, str):
items = obj.splitlines
msg = f"Unexpected type {tlens(obj)}, must be str, bytes, {t.IO}, or {PathLike}"
raise ToolsError(
ret = [
jsonl_loader(item=item, idx=idx, error=error, **kwargs)
for idx, item in enumerate(items() if callable(items) else items)
if is_item(item)
if close_fh and fh is not None:
except Exception:
return ret
[docs]def json_log(
obj: t.Any,
error: bool = False,
trim: t.Optional[int] = MAX_BODY_LEN,
trim_lines: bool = True,
trim_msg: str = TRIM_MSG,
) -> str: # pragma: no cover
if obj is None and not error:
obj = "null"
return json_reload(
[docs]def json_reload(
obj: t.Any,
error: bool = False,
trim: t.Optional[int] = None,
trim_lines: bool = False,
trim_msg: str = TRIM_MSG,
) -> str:
"""Re-serialize a json str into a pretty json str.
obj: str to deserialize into obj and serialize back to str
error: If json error happens, raise it
**kwargs: passed to :func:`json_dump`
obj = json_load(obj=obj, error=error)
if not isinstance(obj, str):
obj = json_dump(obj=obj, error=error, **kwargs)
obj = coerce_str(value=obj, trim=trim, trim_msg=trim_msg, trim_lines=trim_lines)
return obj
[docs]def text_load(
value: t.Union[str, t.List[str], t.IO],
close_fh: bool = True,
) -> t.Generator[str, None, None]:
fh = None
if is_existing_file(value):
path = pathify(value)
fh = path.open()
lines = fh.readlines
elif is_file_like(value):
fh = value
lines = value.readlines
elif isinstance(value, str):
lines = value.splitlines
elif isinstance(value, (list, tuple)):
lines = value
msg = f"Must supply str, list of str, {pathlib.Path}, or {t.IO}, supplied {tlens(value)}"
raise ToolsError(
yield from list(lines() if callable(lines) else lines)
if close_fh and fh is not None:
except Exception:
[docs]def dt_parse_uuid(
value: str,
default_tz_utc: bool = False,
error: bool = False,
) -> t.Optional[datetime.datetime]:
"""Parse the date from an object UUID."""
if allow_none and (value is None or str(value).lower().strip() in ["none", "null"]):
return None
return dt_parse(
except Exception:
if error:
return None
[docs]def dt_parse(
obj: t.Optional[t.Union[TypeDate, t.List[TypeDate]]],
default_tz_utc: bool = False,
as_none: t.Any = None,
as_tz: t.Optional[t.Union[str, datetime.tzinfo]] = datetime.timezone.utc,
) -> t.Optional[t.Union[datetime.datetime, t.List[datetime.datetime]]]:
"""Parse a str, datetime, or timedelta into a datetime object.
obj: object or list of objects to parse into datetime
default_tz_utc: if no timezone is found, assume UTC
allow_none: if obj is None or "none" or "null", return None
as_none: if allow_none and obj is None, return this value
as_tz: if not None, convert to this timezone
if isinstance(obj, list) and all(
isinstance(x, (str, datetime.datetime, datetime.timedelta)) for x in obj
return [
for x in obj
if isinstance(obj, datetime.datetime):
obj = str(obj)
if isinstance(obj, datetime.timedelta):
obj = str(dt_now() - obj)
obj = bytes_to_str(obj)
if allow_none and (obj is None or str(obj).lower().strip() in ["none", "null"]):
value = as_none
value = dateutil.parser.parse(obj)
if isinstance(value, datetime.datetime):
if default_tz_utc and not value.tzinfo:
value = value.replace(tzinfo=as_tz)
if isinstance(as_tz, datetime.tzinfo):
value = value.astimezone(as_tz)
return value
[docs]def dt_parse_tmpl(
obj: t.Union[str, datetime.timedelta, datetime.datetime],
tmpl: str = "%Y-%m-%d",
) -> str:
"""Parse a string into the format used by the REST API.
obj: date time to parse using :meth:`dt_parse`
tmpl: strftime template to convert obj into
valid_fmts = [
dt = dt_parse(obj=obj)
return dt.strftime(tmpl)
except Exception:
vtype = trype(obj)
valid = "\n - " + "\n - ".join(valid_fmts)
msg = f"Could not parse date {obj!r} of type {vtype}, try a string in the format of:{valid}"
raise ToolsError(
[docs]def dt_now(
delta: t.Optional[datetime.timedelta] = None,
tz: t.Optional[datetime.timezone] = datetime.timezone.utc,
) -> datetime:
"""Get the current datetime in for a specific tz.
delta: convert delta into datetime str instead of returning now
tz: timezone to return datetime in
if isinstance(delta, datetime.timedelta):
return dt_parse(obj=delta)
return datetime.datetime.now(tz)
[docs]def dt_now_file(fmt: str = FILE_DATE_FMT, **kwargs):
return dt_now(**kwargs).strftime(fmt)
[docs]def dt_sec_ago(
obj: t.Union[str, datetime.timedelta, datetime.datetime],
exact: bool = False,
places: int = 2,
) -> int:
"""Get number of seconds ago a given datetime was.
obj: parsed by :meth:`dt_parse` into a datetime obj
exact: if True, return exact seconds, otherwise round to places
places: number of places to round to
obj = dt_parse(obj=obj)
now = dt_now(tz=obj.tzinfo)
value = (now - obj).total_seconds()
return value if exact else round(value, places)
[docs]def dt_days_ago(
obj: t.Union[str, datetime.timedelta, datetime.datetime],
error: bool = False,
from_now: bool = True,
) -> t.Optional[int]:
"""Get number of days ago a given datetime was.
obj: parsed by :meth:`dt_sec_ago` into seconds ago
error: if True, raise any errors, otherwise return None
from_now: if True, return days from now, otherwise return days ago
# noinspection PyBroadException
obj: datetime.datetime = dt_parse(obj=obj)
now: datetime.datetime = dt_now(tz=obj.tzinfo)
delta: datetime.timedelta = now - obj if from_now else obj - now
return delta.days
except Exception:
if error:
return None
[docs]def dt_min_ago(obj: t.Union[str, datetime.timedelta, datetime.datetime]) -> int:
"""Get number of minutes ago a given datetime was.
obj: parsed by :meth:`dt_sec_ago` into seconds ago
return round(dt_sec_ago(obj=obj) / 60)
[docs]def dt_days_left(
obj: t.Optional[t.Union[str, datetime.timedelta, datetime.datetime]],
) -> t.Optional[int]:
"""Get number of days left until a given datetime.
obj: parsed by :meth:`dt_sec_ago` into days left
ret = None
if obj:
obj = dt_parse(obj=obj)
now = dt_now(tz=obj.tzinfo)
seconds = (obj - now).total_seconds()
ret = round(seconds / 60 / 60 / 24)
return ret
[docs]def dt_within_min(
obj: t.Union[str, datetime.timedelta, datetime.datetime],
n: t.Optional[t.Union[str, int]] = None,
) -> bool:
"""Check if given datetime is within the past n minutes.
obj: parsed by :meth:`dt_min_ago` into minutes ago
n: int of :meth:`dt_min_ago` should be greater than or equal to
if not is_int(obj=n, digit=True):
return False
return dt_min_ago(obj=obj) >= int(n)
[docs]def get_path(obj: PathLike) -> pathlib.Path:
"""Convert a str into a fully resolved & expanded Path object.
obj: obj to convert into expanded and resolved absolute Path obj
return pathlib.Path(obj).expanduser().resolve()
[docs]def path_read(
obj: PathLike,
binary: bool = False,
is_json: bool = False,
) -> t.Union[bytes, str]:
"""Read data from a file.
* if path filename ends with ".json", data will be deserialized using
obj: path to read data form, parsed by :meth:`get_path`
binary: read the data as binary instead of str
is_json: deserialize data using :meth:`json_load`
**kwargs: passed to :meth:`json_load`
:exc:`ToolsError`: path does not exist as file
robj = get_path(obj=obj)
if not robj.is_file():
msg = f"Supplied path='{obj}' (resolved='{robj}') does not exist!"
raise ToolsError(msg)
data = robj.read_bytes() if binary else robj.read_text()
if is_json:
data = json_load(obj=data, **kwargs)
if robj.suffix == ".json" and isinstance(data, str):
kwargs.setdefault("error", False)
data = json_load(obj=data, **kwargs)
return robj, data
[docs]def get_backup_filename(path: PathLike) -> str:
path = get_path(obj=path)
return f"{path.stem}_{dt_now_file()}{path.suffix}"
[docs]def get_backup_path(path: PathLike) -> pathlib.Path:
path = get_path(obj=path)
return path.parent / get_backup_filename(path=path)
[docs]def check_path_is_not_dir(path: PathLike) -> pathlib.Path:
path = get_path(obj=path)
if path.is_dir():
msg = f"'{path}' is a directory, not a file"
raise ToolsError(msg)
return path
[docs]def path_create_parent_dir(
path: PathLike,
make_parent: bool = True,
) -> pathlib.Path:
path = get_path(obj=path)
if not path.parent.is_dir():
if make_parent:
path.parent.mkdir(mode=protect_parent, parents=True, exist_ok=True)
msg = f"Parent directory '{path.parent}' does not exist and make_parent is False"
raise ToolsError(
return path
[docs]def path_backup_file(
path: PathLike,
backup_path: t.Optional[PathLike] = None,
make_parent: bool = True,
) -> pathlib.Path:
path = get_path(obj=path)
if not path.is_file():
msg = f"'{path}' does not exist as a file, can not backup"
raise ToolsError(msg)
backup_path = (
get_path(obj=backup_path) if backup_path else get_backup_path(path=path)
if backup_path.is_file():
backup_path = get_backup_path(path=backup_path)
return backup_path
[docs]def auto_suffix(
path: PathLike,
data: t.Union[bytes, str],
error: bool = False,
) -> t.Union[bytes, str]:
path = get_path(obj=path)
if path.suffix == ".json" and not (isinstance(data, (str, bytes))):
data = json_dump(obj=data, error=error, **kwargs)
return data
[docs]def path_write(
obj: t.Optional[PathLike],
data: t.Union[bytes, str],
overwrite: bool = False,
backup: bool = False,
backup_path: t.Optional[PathLike] = None,
binary: bool = False,
binary_encoding: str = "utf-8",
is_json: bool = False,
make_parent: bool = True,
suffix_auto: bool = True,
path_default: t.Optional[PathLike] = None,
use_default: bool = False,
) -> t.Tuple[pathlib.Path, t.Tuple[int, t.Optional[pathlib.Path]]]:
"""Write data to a file.
* if obj filename ends with ".json", serializes data using :meth:`json_dump`.
obj: path to write data to, parsed by :meth:`get_path`
data: data to write to obj
binary: write the data as binary instead of str
binary_encoding: encoding to use when switching from str/bytes
is_json: serialize data using :meth:`json_load`
overwrite: overwrite obj if exists
make_parent: If the parent directory does not exist, create it
protect_file: octal mode of permissions to set on file
protect_dir: octal mode of permissions to set on parent directory when creating
**kwargs: passed to :meth:`json_dump`
:exc:`ToolsError`: path exists as file and overwrite is False
:exc:`ToolsError`: if parent path does not exist and make_parent is False
if obj is None:
if use_default:
obj = get_path(path_default)
obj = get_path(obj=obj)
if is_json:
data = json_dump(**combo_dicts(kwargs, obj=data))
if suffix_auto:
data = auto_suffix(**combo_dicts(kwargs, path=obj, data=data))
if binary:
if isinstance(data, str):
data = data.encode(binary_encoding)
method = obj.write_bytes
if isinstance(data, bytes):
data = data.decode(binary_encoding)
method = obj.write_text
if obj.exists():
if backup:
backup_path = path_backup_file(
elif overwrite is False:
msg = f"File '{obj}' already exists and overwrite is False"
raise ToolsError(msg)
if protect_file:
bytes_written = method(data)
return obj, (bytes_written, backup_path)
[docs]def longest_str(obj: t.List[str]) -> int:
"""Determine the length of the longest string in a list of strings.
obj: list of strings to calculate length of
return round(max([len(x) + 5 for x in obj]), -1)
[docs]def split_str(
obj: t.Union[t.List[str], str],
split: str = ",",
strip: t.Optional[str] = None,
do_strip: bool = True,
lower: bool = True,
empty: bool = False,
) -> t.List[str]:
"""Split a string or list of strings into a list of strings.
obj: string or list of strings to `split`
split: character to split on
strip: characters to strip
do_strip: strip each item from the split
lower: lowercase each item from the split
empty: remove empty items post split
if obj is None:
return []
if isinstance(obj, list):
return [
for x in obj
for y in split_str(
if not isinstance(obj, str):
msg = f"Unable to split non-str value {obj}"
raise ToolsError(msg)
ret = []
for x in obj.split(split):
if lower:
x = x.lower()
if do_strip:
x = x.strip(strip)
if not empty and not x:
return ret
[docs]def echo_debug(msg: t.Optional[t.Union[str, t.List[str]]] = None, **kwargs):
"""Echo a message to console.
msg: message to echo
kwargs: passed to ``echo``
kwargs.setdefault("style_args", DEBUG_ARGS)
kwargs.setdefault("style_tmpl", DEBUG_TMPL)
kwargs.setdefault("log_level", "debug")
return echo(msg=msg, **kwargs)
[docs]def echo_ok(msg: t.Optional[t.Union[str, t.List[str]]] = None, **kwargs):
"""Echo a message to console.
msg: message to echo
kwargs: passed to ``echo``
kwargs.setdefault("style_args", OK_ARGS)
kwargs.setdefault("style_tmpl", OK_TMPL)
kwargs.setdefault("log_level", "info")
return echo(msg=msg, **kwargs)
[docs]def echo_warn(msg: t.Optional[t.Union[str, t.List[str]]] = None, **kwargs):
"""Echo a warning message to console.
msg: message to echo
kwargs: passed to ``echo``
kwargs.setdefault("style_args", WARN_ARGS)
kwargs.setdefault("style_tmpl", WARN_TMPL)
kwargs.setdefault("log_level", "warning")
kwargs["do_echo"] = True
return echo(msg=msg, **kwargs)
[docs]def echo_error(
msg: t.Optional[t.Union[str, t.List[str]]] = None,
abort: bool = True,
"""Echo an error message to console.
msg: message to echo
abort: call sys.exit(1) after echoing message
kwargs: passed to ``echo``
kwargs.setdefault("style_args", ERROR_ARGS)
kwargs.setdefault("style_tmpl", ERROR_TMPL)
kwargs.setdefault("log_level", "error")
kwargs.setdefault("abort_code", 1)
kwargs["do_echo"] = True
return echo(msg=msg, abort=abort, **kwargs)
[docs]def echo(
msg: t.Optional[t.Union[str, t.List[str]]] = None,
abort: bool = False,
tmpl: bool = True,
log: t.Optional[logging.Logger] = None,
log_level: str = "debug",
log_method: t.Optional[t.Callable] = None,
log_args: t.Optional[dict] = None,
log_fallback: t.Callable = LOG.debug,
style_tmpl: t.Optional[str] = None,
style_args: t.Optional[dict] = None,
joiner: str = "\n",
do_log: bool = True,
do_echo: bool = True,
abort_code: int = 0,
if isinstance(msg, (list, tuple)):
msg = joiner.join(msg)
if do_log:
if callable(log_method):
use_method = log_method
elif isinstance(log, logging.Logger):
use_method = getattr(log, log_level)
use_method = log_fallback
if not isinstance(log_args, dict):
log_args = {}
use_method(msg, **log_args)
if do_echo:
echo_msg = msg
fmt_args = {}
if tmpl and is_str(style_tmpl):
echo_msg = style_tmpl.format(**fmt_args)
style_args = style_args if isinstance(style_args, dict) else {}
echo_args = get_secho_args(kwargs=kwargs, **style_args)
echo_args["message"] = echo_msg
if abort:
[docs]def sysinfo() -> dict:
"""Gather system information."""
cli_args = sys.argv
except Exception: # pragma: no cover
cli_args = "No sys.argv!"
info = {}
info["API Client Version"] = VERSION
info["API Client Package"] = PACKAGE_FILE
info["Init loaded .env file"] = INIT_DOTENV
info["Path to .env file"] = find_dotenv()
info["OS envs"] = get_env_ax()
info["Date"] = str(dt_now())
info["Python System Version"] = ", ".join(sys.version.splitlines())
info["Command Line Args"] = cli_args
platform_attrs = [
for attr in platform_attrs:
method = getattr(platform, attr, None)
value = "unavailable"
if method:
value = method()
attr = attr.replace("_", " ").title()
info[attr] = value
return info
[docs]def calc_percent(
part: t.Union[int, float],
whole: t.Union[int, float],
places: int = 2,
) -> float:
"""Calculate the percentage of part out of whole.
part: number to get percent of `whole`
whole: number to calculate against `part`
places: number of decimal places to return
if 0 in [part, whole]:
value = 0.00
elif part > whole:
value = 100.00
value = 100 * (part / whole)
value = trim_float(value=value, places=places)
return value
[docs]def trim_float(value: float, places: int = 2) -> float:
"""Trim a float to N places.
value: float to trim
places: decimal places to trim value to
if isinstance(places, int):
value = float(f"{value:.{places}f}")
return value
[docs]def join_kv(
obj: t.Union[t.List[dict], dict],
listjoin: str = ", ",
tmpl: str = "{k}: {v!r}",
) -> t.List[str]:
"""Join a dictionary into key value strings.
obj: dict or list of dicts to stringify
listjoin: string to use for joining
tmpl: template to format key value pairs of dict
if isinstance(obj, list):
return [join_kv(obj=x, listjoin=listjoin, tmpl=tmpl) for x in obj]
if not isinstance(obj, dict):
msg = f"Object must be a dict, supplied {trype(obj)}"
raise ToolsError(msg)
items = []
for k, v in obj.items():
if isinstance(v, (list, tuple)):
v = listjoin.join([str(i) for i in v])
items.append(tmpl.format(k=k, v=v))
if isinstance(v, dict):
items += join_kv(obj=v, listjoin=listjoin, tmpl=" " + tmpl)
items.append(tmpl.format(k=k, v=v))
return items
[docs]def get_type_str(obj: t.Any):
"""Get the type name of a class.
obj: class or tuple of classes to get type name(s) of
if isinstance(obj, (list, tuple)):
return " or ".join([x.__name__ for x in obj])
return obj.__name__
[docs]def check_type(
value: t.Any,
exp: t.Any,
name: str = "",
exp_items: t.Optional[t.Any] = None,
"""Check that a value is the appropriate type.
value: value to check type of
exp: type(s) that value should be
name: identifier of what value is for
exp_items: if value is a list, type(s) that list items should be
name = f" for {name!r}" if name else ""
if not isinstance(value, exp):
vtype = get_type_str(obj=type(value))
etype = get_type_str(obj=exp)
err = f"Required type {etype}{name} but received type {vtype}: {value!r}"
raise ToolsError(err)
if exp_items and isinstance(value, list):
for idx, item in enumerate(value):
if isinstance(item, exp_items):
vtype = get_type_str(obj=type(item))
etype = get_type_str(obj=exp_items)
err = (
f"Required type {etype}{name} in list item {idx} but received "
f"type {vtype}: {value!r}"
raise ToolsError(err)
[docs]def check_empty(value: t.Any, name: str = ""):
"""Check if a value is empty.
value: value to check type of
name: identifier of what value is for
if not value:
name = f" for {name!r}" if name else ""
err = f"Required value{name} but received an empty {trype(value)}: {value!r}"
raise ToolsError(err)
[docs]def get_raw_version(value: str) -> str:
"""Caclulate the raw bits of a version str.
value: version to calculate
check_type(value=value, exp=str)
converted = "0"
version = value
if ":" in value:
if "." in value and value.index(":") > value.index("."):
msg = f"Invalid version with ':' after '.' in {value!r}"
raise ToolsError(msg)
converted, version = value.split(":", 1)
octects = version.split(".")
for octect in octects:
if not octect.isdigit():
msg = f"Invalid version with non-digit {octect!r} in {value!r}"
raise ToolsError(msg)
if len(octect) > 8:
octect = octect[:8]
converted += "".join(["0" for _ in range(8 - len(octect))]) + octect
return converted
[docs]def coerce_str_to_csv(
value: str,
coerce_list: bool = False,
errmsg: t.Optional[str] = None,
) -> t.List[str]:
"""Coerce a string into a list of strings.
value: string to seperate using comma
pre = f"{errmsg}\n" if errmsg else ""
new_value = value
if isinstance(value, str):
new_value = [x.strip() for x in value.split(",") if x.strip()]
if not new_value:
msg = f"{pre}Empty value after parsing CSV: {value!r}"
raise ToolsError(msg)
if not isinstance(new_value, (list, tuple)):
if coerce_list:
new_value = listify(obj=new_value)
msg = f"{pre}Invalid type {trype(new_value)} supplied, must be a list"
raise ToolsError(
if not new_value:
msg = f"{pre}Empty list supplied {value}"
raise ToolsError(msg)
return new_value
[docs]def parse_ip_address(
value: str,
) -> t.Union[ipaddress.IPv4Address, ipaddress.IPv6Address]:
"""Parse a string into an IP address.
value: ip address
return ipaddress.ip_address(value)
except Exception as exc:
raise ToolsError(str(exc))
[docs]def parse_ip_network(
value: str,
) -> t.Union[ipaddress.IPv4Network, ipaddress.IPv6Network]:
"""Parse a string into an IP network.
value: ip network
if "/" not in str(value):
msg = f"Supplied value {value!r} of type {trype(value)} is not a valid subnet - format must be <address>/<CIDR>."
raise ToolsError(
return ipaddress.ip_network(value)
except Exception as exc:
raise ToolsError(str(exc))
[docs]def kv_dump(obj: dict) -> str:
"""Get a string representation of a dictionaries key value pairs.
obj: dictionary to get string of
return "\n " + "\n ".join([f"{k}: {v}" for k, v in obj.items()])
[docs]def bom_strip(
content: t.Union[str, bytes],
bom: bytes = codecs.BOM_UTF8,
) -> str:
"""Remove the UTF-8 BOM marker from the beginning of a string.
content: string to remove BOM marker from if found
strip: remove whitespace before & after removing BOM marker
if isinstance(content, (str, bytes)):
content = content.strip() if strip else content
if isinstance(bom, bytes) and isinstance(content, str):
bom = bom.decode()
elif isinstance(bom, str) and isinstance(content, bytes):
bom = bom.encode()
bom_len = len(bom)
if content.startswith(bom):
content = content[bom_len:]
content = content.strip() if strip else content
return content
[docs]def read_stream(stream) -> str:
"""Try to read input from a stream.
stream: stdin or a file descriptor to read input from
stream_name = format(getattr(stream, "name", stream))
if stream.isatty():
msg = f"No input provided on {stream_name!r}"
raise ToolsError(msg)
# its STDIN with input or a file
content = stream.read().strip()
if not content:
msg = f"Empty content supplied to {stream_name!r}"
raise ToolsError(msg)
return content
[docs]def check_gui_page_size(size: t.Optional[int] = None) -> int:
"""Check page size to see if it one of the valid GUI page sizes.
size: page size to check
:exc:`ApiError`: if size is not one of
size = size or GUI_PAGE_SIZES[0]
size = coerce_int(size)
if size not in GUI_PAGE_SIZES:
msg = f"gui_page_size of {size} is invalid, must be one of {GUI_PAGE_SIZES}"
raise ToolsError(
return size
[docs]def calc_gb(value: t.Union[str, int], places: int = 2, is_kb: bool = True) -> float:
"""Convert bytes into GB.
value: bytes
places: decimal places to trim value to
is_kb: values are in kb or bytes
value = coerce_int_float(value=value)
value = value / 1024 / 1024
value = (value / 1024) if not is_kb else value
value = trim_float(value=value, places=places)
return value
[docs]def calc_perc_gb(
obj: dict,
whole_key: str,
part_key: str,
perc_key: t.Optional[str] = None,
places: int = 2,
update: bool = True,
is_kb: bool = True,
) -> dict:
"""Calculate the GB and percent from a dict.
obj: dict to get whole_key and part_key from
whole_key: key to get whole value from and convert to GB and set as whole_key_gb
part_key: key to get part value from and convert to GB and set as part_key_gb
perc_key: key to set percent in
is_kb: values are in kb or bytes
perc_key = perc_key or f"{part_key}_percent"
whole_value = obj[whole_key] or 0
part_value = obj[part_key] or 0
whole_gb = calc_gb(value=whole_value, places=places, is_kb=is_kb)
part_gb = calc_gb(value=part_value, places=places, is_kb=is_kb)
perc = calc_percent(part=part_gb, whole=whole_gb, places=places)
ret = obj if update else {}
ret[f"{part_key}_gb"] = part_gb
ret[f"{whole_key}_gb"] = whole_gb
ret[perc_key] = perc
return ret
[docs]def get_subcls(cls: type, excludes: t.Optional[t.List[type]] = None) -> list:
"""Get all subclasses of a class."""
excludes = excludes or []
subs = [s for c in cls.__subclasses__() for s in get_subcls(c)]
return [x for x in list(set(cls.__subclasses__()).union(subs)) if x not in excludes]
[docs]def prettify_obj(obj: t.Union[dict, list], indent: int = 0) -> t.List[str]:
spaces = " " * indent
sub_indent = indent + 2
if isinstance(obj, dict):
lines = ["", f"{spaces}-----"] if not indent else []
for k, v in obj.items():
lines += [f"{spaces}- {k}:", *prettify_obj(v, sub_indent)]
return lines
elif isinstance(obj, list):
return [y for x in obj for y in prettify_obj(x, indent)]
return [f"{spaces} {obj}"]
[docs]def token_parse(obj: str) -> str:
url_check = "token="
if isinstance(obj, str) and url_check in obj:
idx = obj.index(url_check) + len(url_check)
obj = obj[idx:]
return obj
[docs]def combo_dicts(*args, **kwargs) -> dict:
# TBD make this descend
ret = {}
for x in args:
if isinstance(x, dict):
return ret
[docs]def is_url(value: str) -> bool:
return isinstance(value, str) and any(value.startswith(x) for x in URL_STARTS)
[docs]def bytes_to_str(
value: t.Any,
encoding: str = "utf-8",
ignore: bool = False,
strict: bool = False,
) -> t.Any:
"""Convert value to str if value is bytes.
value (t.Any): value to convert to str
encoding (str, optional): encoding to use
ignore (bool, optional): ignore errors instead of replacing them
strict (bool, optional): raise an exception if there are decoding errors
t.Any: str if value is bytes, else original value
if isinstance(value, bytes):
if strict:
errors = "strict"
elif ignore:
errors = "ignore"
errors = "replace"
return value.decode(encoding, errors=errors)
return value
[docs]def strip_str(value: t.Any) -> t.Union[str, t.Any]:
"""Strip a value if it is a string."""
return value.strip() if isinstance(value, str) else value
[docs]def coerce_str(
value: t.Any,
strip: bool = True,
none: t.Any = "",
trim: t.Optional[int] = None,
trim_lines: bool = False,
trim_msg: str = TRIM_MSG,
) -> t.Union[str, t.Any]:
"""Coerce a value to a string."""
value = bytes_to_str(value=value)
if value is None:
value = none
if not isinstance(value, str):
value = str(value)
if strip:
value = strip_str(value=value)
value = str_trim(value=value, trim=trim, trim_lines=trim_lines, trim_msg=trim_msg)
return value
[docs]def str_trim(
value: str,
trim: t.Optional[int] = None,
trim_lines: bool = False,
trim_msg: str = TRIM_MSG,
) -> str:
trim_type = "lines" if trim_lines else "characters"
if isinstance(trim, int) and trim > 0:
trim_done = False
if trim_lines:
value = value.splitlines()
value_len = len(value)
if value_len >= trim:
value = value[:trim]
trim_done = True
value = "\n".join(value)
value_len = len(value)
if value_len >= trim:
value = value[:trim]
trim_done = True
if trim_done:
value += trim_msg.format(
return value
# def strim(value: str, limit: t.Optional[int] = None) -> str:
# """Pass."""
# if isinstance(limit, int) and limit > 0 and len(value) > limit:
# def ltrim(
# value: t.Union[str, t.List[str]], limit: t.Optional[int] = None, rejoin: bool = False
# ) -> t.List[str]:
# """Pass."""
# if isinstance(value, str):
# if isinstance(limit, int) and limit > 0 and len(value) > limit:
[docs]def get_cls_path(value: t.Any) -> str:
if inspect.isclass(value):
cls = value
elif hasattr(value, "__class__"):
cls = value.__class__
cls = value
if hasattr(cls, "__module__") and hasattr(cls, "__name__"):
return f"{cls.__module__}.{cls.__name__}"
return str(value)
[docs]def csv_writer(
rows: t.Iterable[dict],
columns: t.Optional[t.Iterable[str]] = None,
quotes: str = "nonnumeric",
dialect: str = "excel",
line_ending: str = "\n",
stream: t.Optional[t.IO] = None,
key_extra_error: bool = False,
write_headers: bool = True,
key_missing_value: t.Optional[t.Any] = None,
) -> str: # pragma: no cover
quotes: int = getattr(csv, f"QUOTE_{quotes.upper()}")
if not isinstance(columns, (list, tuple)) and write_headers:
columns: t.List[str] = []
# this will kill a generator
if write_headers:
for row in rows:
columns += [x for x in row if x not in columns]
extrasaction: str = "raise" if key_extra_error else "ignore"
stream: t.IO = stream if is_file_like(stream) else io.StringIO()
writer: csv.DictWriter = csv.DictWriter(
if write_headers:
writer.writerow(dict(zip(columns, columns)))
for row in rows:
content: t.Union[str, bytes] = stream.getvalue()
return content
[docs]def parse_int_min_max(value, default=0, min_value=None, max_value=None):
if isinstance(value, str) and value.isdigit():
value = int(value)
if not isinstance(value, int):
value = default
if min_value is not None and value < min_value:
value = default
if max_value is not None and value > max_value:
value = default
return value
[docs]def safe_replace(obj: dict, value: str) -> str:
for search, replace in obj.items():
if (
isinstance(search, str)
and isinstance(replace, str)
and search
and search in value
value = value.replace(search, replace)
return value
[docs]def int_days_map(
value: t.Union[str, t.List[t.Union[str, int]]],
names: bool = False,
) -> t.List[str]:
ret = []
value = coerce_str_to_csv(value=value, coerce_list=True)
valid = ", ".join([f"{v} ({k})" for k, v in DAYS_MAP.items()])
for item in value:
found = False
for number, name in DAYS_MAP.items():
if isinstance(item, str) and item.lower() == name.lower():
found = True
if (isinstance(item, str) and item.isdigit()) or isinstance(item, int):
item = coerce_int(
errmsg=f"Invalid day {item!r} supplied, valid: {valid}",
if item == number:
found = True
if not found:
item = str(item)
msg = f"Invalid day {item!r} supplied, valid: {valid}"
raise ToolsError(msg)
if names:
ret = [v for k, v in DAYS_MAP.items() if k in ret]
ret = [str(k) for k, v in DAYS_MAP.items() if k in ret]
return ret
[docs]def lowish(value: t.Any) -> t.Any:
if isinstance(value, (list, tuple)):
return [lowish(x) for x in value]
return value.lower() if isinstance(value, str) else value
[docs]def log_or_exc(
msg: t.List[str],
error: bool = True,
log: t.Union[t.Callable, logging.Logger] = LOG,
log_level: str = "exception",
log_join: str = "\n",
exc_cls: Exception = ToolsError,
exc_args: t.Optional[dict] = None,
msg = listify(msg)
msg += listify(kwargs.get("src"))
msg = log_join.join(msg)
exc_args = exc_args or {}
logmethod = getattr(log, log_level, log)
if callable(logmethod):
if error:
raise exc_cls(msg, **exc_args)
[docs]def coerce_io(value: t.Union[str, bytes, t.IO]) -> t.IO:
if isinstance(value, str):
return io.StringIO(value)
elif isinstance(value, bytes):
return io.BytesIO(value)
return value
[docs]def is_json_dict(value) -> bool:
check_obj = (
json.loads(value) if isinstance(value, (str, bytes)) else json.load(value)
except Exception:
if isinstance(check_obj, dict):
return True
return False
[docs]def trype(value):
return type(value).__name__
[docs]def is_callable(
value: t.Any,
attr: t.Optional[str] = None,
default: t.Any = None,
) -> bool:
check = getattr(value, attr, default) if isinstance(attr, str) else value
return callable(check)
[docs]def tilde_re(value: t.Any) -> PatternLikeListy:
if isinstance(value, (list, tuple)):
return [tilde_re(x) for x in value]
if isinstance(value, str) and value.startswith("~"):
return re.compile(value[1:], re.I)
return value if isinstance(value, (str, t.Pattern)) else None
[docs]def coerce_str_re(value: t.Any, prefix: str = "~") -> t.Any:
"""Convert a str into a pattern if value is str and starts with prefix.
value (t.Any): value to convert to pattern
prefix (str, optional): prefix to use to indicate value should be converted to a pattern
t.Any: t.Pattern if value is str or bytes and starts with prefix, else original value
if isinstance(value, (list, tuple)):
return [coerce_str_re(value=x, prefix=prefix) for x in value]
prefix_len: int = len(prefix)
value = bytes_to_str(value=value)
if is_str(value=value) and value.startswith(prefix):
value = re.compile(value[prefix_len:], re.I)
return value
[docs]def human_size(
value: t.Union[int, str, bytes, float],
decimals: int = 2,
error: bool = True,
) -> str:
"""Convert bytes to human-readable.
value (t.Union[int, str, bytes, float]): value to coerce into int/float
decimals (int, optional): number of decimal places to include in str output
str: human-readable size of value if value is int, float, int as str, or float as str
else empty str
value = coerce_int_float(value=value, error=error)
if isinstance(value, (int, float)):
for size in HUMAN_SIZES:
if value < 1024.0:
return f"{value:0.{decimals}f} {size}"
value /= 1024.0
return ""
[docs]def is_pattern(value: t.Any) -> bool:
"""Check if value is a pattern.
value (t.Any): value to check
bool: True if value is a re.Pattern; else False
return isinstance(value, t.Pattern)
[docs]def is_tty(value: t.Any) -> bool:
return value.isatty()
except Exception:
return False
[docs]def check_tty(value: t.Any, errmsg: str = "unable to prompt"):
if not is_tty(value):
msg = f"{value!r} is not a TTY -- {errmsg}"
raise ToolsError(msg)
[docs]def check_tty_stdin():
[docs]def get_secho_args(
kwargs: t.Optional[dict] = None,
key: t.Optional[str] = None,
kwargs = kwargs if isinstance(kwargs, dict) else {}
ret = {}
skey = f"style_{key}"
for arg in SECHO_ARGS:
checks = [arg]
if is_str(key):
checks.insert(0, f"{arg}_{key}")
for check in checks:
if check in kwargs:
ret.setdefault(arg, kwargs[check])
elif check in sargs:
ret.setdefault(arg, sargs[check])
if skey in kwargs:
if "stderr" in ret:
ret["err"] = ret.pop("stderr")
ret.setdefault("err", True)
return ret
[docs]def confirm(
msgs: t.Optional[t.Union[str, t.List[str]]] = None,
text: t.Optional[str] = None,
abort: bool = False,
default: bool = False,
text_confirm: str = "Please confirm",
join: str = "\n",
check_stdin: bool = True,
if check_stdin:
use_msgs = listify(msgs)
style_msgs = kwargs.get("style_msgs", {"fg": "blue", "bold": True})
style_text = kwargs.get("style_text", {"fg": "white", "bold": False})
if use_msgs:
secho_msg = get_secho_args(key="msgs", kwargs=kwargs, **style_msgs)
click.secho(message=join.join(use_msgs), **secho_msg)
if is_str(text):
secho_text = get_secho_args(key="text", kwargs=kwargs, **style_text)
click.secho(message=text, **secho_text)
text_confirm = click.style(text_confirm, bold=True)
answer = click.confirm(
err=kwargs.get("stderr", True),
return answer
[docs]def coerce_prompt_confirm(value: t.Any = None, prompt: bool = False, **kwargs) -> bool:
kwargs.setdefault("style_msgs", {"fg": "red", "bold": True})
value: t.Any = coerce_bool(obj=value, error=False)
if value is not True and prompt is True:
value: bool = confirm(**kwargs)
return value is True
[docs]def check_confirm_prompt(
reason: str,
src: t.Any,
msgs: t.List[str] = None,
value: t.Any = None,
prompt: bool = False,
from .exceptions import ConfirmNotTrue
msgs = listify(msgs)
msgs.append(f"Do you really want to {reason}")
value: bool = coerce_prompt_confirm(msgs=msgs, value=value, prompt=prompt, **kwargs)
if value is not True:
raise ConfirmNotTrue(confirm=value, prompt=prompt, reason=reason, src=src)
[docs]def csv_able(
value: t.Optional[t.Union[str, t.List[str]]],
sep: str = ",",
) -> t.List[str]:
ret = []
if isinstance(value, (list, tuple, set)):
for item in value:
ret += [x for x in csv_able(value=item, sep=sep) if x not in ret]
return ret
if is_str(value):
for item in value.split(sep):
item = item.strip()
if item and item not in ret:
return ret
[docs]def is_list(value: t.Any) -> bool:
return isinstance(value, (list, tuple))
[docs]def style_switch(
text: str,
switch: bool = False,
args_true: dict = {"fg": "green", "bold": True},
args_false: str = {"fg": "red", "bold": True},
args = args_true if switch else args_false
return click.style(text=text, **args)
[docs]def add_source(source: str, kwargs: dict) -> str:
ksource = kwargs.get("source", "")
ksource = f"{ksource} / " if ksource else ""
return f"{ksource}{source}"
# def parse_int_bool(value: t.Any) -> t.Union[int, bool]:
# """Pass."""
# if isinstance(value, (str, bytes)):
# # if bytes, convert to str
# # try to coerce to int or float
# # try to coerce to bool
# def appendit(values: t.List[t.Any], targets: t.List[list]):
# """Pass."""
# for target in listify(targets):
# for value in listify(values):
# if value not in target:
[docs]def parse_value_copy(
default: str,
value: t.Optional[str] = None,
copy_prefix: str = FolderDefaults.copy_prefix,
existing: t.Optional[t.List[str]] = None,
) -> str:
existing = listify(existing)
if not is_str(value):
value = default
while value in existing:
value = f"{copy_prefix} {value}"
return value
# def get_hours_ago(value: t.Optional[datetime.datetime] = None, exact: bool = True) -> float:
# """Pass."""
# if isinstance(value, datetime.datetime):
[docs]def parse_refresh(
value: t.Any = REFRESH,
elapsed: bool = True,
refresh_elapsed: t.Optional[t.Union[int, float]] = None,
) -> bool:
"""Check if an object should be refreshed.
If the value is bytes, it will be converted to string.
If the value is string, it will try to safely coerce to float, int, or bool.
If the value is True or False it will be returned as is.
If the value is a float or int and refresh_elapsed is a float or int and elapsed is True
it will return True if the value is greater than refresh_elapsed.
value: The value to check.
elapsed: If True, check if the value is an int or float and if it is greater than
refresh_elapsed if refresh_elapsed is an int or float.
refresh_elapsed: The elapsed time to check against if elapsed is True.
if isinstance(value, bytes):
value = value.decode("utf-8", errors="ignore")
if isinstance(value, str):
check_value = value.strip().lower()
if "." in check_value and check_value.replace(".", "").isdigit():
value = float(check_value)
elif check_value.isdigit():
value = int(check_value)
elif check_value in YES_STR:
value = True
elif check_value in NO_STR:
value = False
if value is True:
return True
if value is False:
return False
return (
elapsed is True
and isinstance(value, (int, float))
and isinstance(refresh_elapsed, (int, float))
and refresh_elapsed >= value
[docs]def get_diff_seconds(
start: t.Optional[datetime.datetime] = None,
stop: t.Optional[datetime.datetime] = None,
places: t.Optional[int] = 5,
) -> t.Optional[float]:
seconds: t.Optional[float] = None
if start is not None:
start: datetime.datetime = dt_parse(obj=start)
stop = dt_now() if stop is None else dt_parse(stop)
delta: datetime.timedelta = stop - start
seconds: float = delta.total_seconds()
if isinstance(places, int):
seconds: float = float(f"{seconds:.{places}f}")
return seconds
[docs]def score_prefix(
value: str,
prefix: t.Optional[t.List[str]] = None,
join: str = "_",
) -> str:
"""Prefix a value."""
prefix: t.List[str] = listify(prefix)
use_prefix: str = f"{join.join(prefix)}{join}" if prefix else ""
return (
if isinstance(prefix, (list, tuple)) and prefix
else value
[docs]def get_mm_field(value: t.Any) -> t.Optional[marshmallow.fields.Field]:
"""Get the marshmallow field from a dataclasses field.
value: The field to check.
marshmallow.fields.Field: The marshmallow field.
if isinstance(value, marshmallow.fields.Field):
return value
if isinstance(value, dataclasses.Field):
return (
getattr(value, "metadata", {}).get("dataclasses_json", {}).get("mm_field")
return None
[docs]def get_mm_description(value: dataclasses.Field) -> t.Optional[str]:
"""Get the marshmallow description from a dataclasses field.
value: The field to check.
str: The marshmallow description.
return getattr(get_mm_field(value=value), "metadata", {}).get("description")
[docs]def is_nested_schema(value: marshmallow.fields.Field) -> bool:
"""Check if a marshmallow field is a nested schema.
value: The field to check.
bool: True if the field is a nested schema.
return isinstance(get_nested_schema(value=value), marshmallow.Schema)
[docs]def get_nested_schema(
value: marshmallow.fields.Field,
) -> t.Optional[marshmallow.Schema]:
"""Get the nested schema from a marshmallow field.
value: The field to check.
marshmallow.Schema: The nested schema.
return getattr(getattr(value, "inner", None), "nested", None)
[docs]def get_hint_type(value: t.Any) -> t.Any:
"""Get the type from a type hint.
value: If type hint, return the type.
Any: The type if value is a type hint, else None.
if isinstance(value, type):
return value
args: t.Tuple[t.Any] = te.get_args(value)
return args[0] if len(args) == 1 else args
[docs]def is_subclass(
value: t.Any,
expected_types: t.Any = None,
as_none: bool = False,
) -> bool:
"""Determine if value is a subclass of the type for this field."""
if expected_types is None:
return as_none
return issubclass(value, expected_types)
except TypeError:
return False
[docs]def get_query_id(value: t.Optional[t.Union[str, bytes, uuid.UUID]] = None) -> str:
"""Get or build a query id."""
if isinstance(value, uuid.UUID):
return str(value)
if isinstance(value, (str, bytes)) and value.strip():
return str(uuid.UUID(bytes_to_str(value)))
except ValueError:
return str(uuid.uuid4())
[docs]def jdump(obj, **kwargs):
"""JSON dump utility."""
data = json_reload(obj, **kwargs)
[docs]def is_subclass_safe(value: t.Any, expected_type: t.Any) -> bool:
"""Check if value is a subclass of a type."""
return issubclass(value, expected_type)
except TypeError:
return False
[docs]def trim_value_repr(
value: t.Any,
max_length: t.Optional[int] = 30,
trim_post: t.Optional[str] = TRIM_POST,
) -> str:
"""Trim the value to a maximum length and appends info about the number of trimmed characters.
value: The input value to be trimmed.
max_length: The maximum allowed length of the value repr.
trim_post: The string to add
str: The trimmed value representation with info about the number of trimmed characters.
value_repr: str = repr(value)
if isinstance(max_length, int) and max_length >= 0:
original_length: int = len(value_repr)
if original_length > max_length:
value_repr: str = value_repr[:max_length]
modified_length: int = len(value_repr)
if isinstance(trim_post, str):
removed_length: int = original_length - modified_length
locals_dict: t.Dict[str, t.Any] = locals()
value_repr += trim_post.format(**locals_dict)
except KeyError as exc:
raise FormatError(template=trim_post, error=exc, kwargs=locals_dict)
return value_repr
[docs]def coerce_seconds(value: t.Optional[TypeFloat] = None) -> t.Optional[float]:
"""Coerce a value to seconds."""
if value is None:
return None
if isinstance(value, float):
return value
if isinstance(value, int):
return float(value)
value = bytes_to_str(value)
if isinstance(value, str) and value.strip():
return float(value.strip())
except ValueError:
msg = f"Invalid float/integer provided for seconds: {value!r}"
raise ValueError(msg)
return None
[docs]def coerce_delta(value: t.Optional[TypeDelta] = None) -> t.Optional[datetime.timedelta]:
"""Coerce a value to a timedelta.
value: value to coerce - if None or already a timedelta, return as is, otherwise
pass to :meth:`coerce_seconds` and return as a timedelta if it returns a float,
otherwise return None
if value is None or isinstance(value, datetime.timedelta):
return value
value = coerce_seconds(value=value)
return datetime.timedelta(seconds=value) if isinstance(value, float) else None
[docs]def coerce_date_delta(
value: t.Optional[TypeDate] = None,
add: t.Optional[TypeDelta] = None,
subtract: t.Optional[TypeDelta] = None,
) -> t.Optional[datetime.datetime]:
"""Coerce a value to a date.
Value will be parsed by :meth:`dt_parse` into a datetime.datetime or None.
If add or subtract are provided, value will be added to or subtracted from
the parsed value or now if value not provided.
value: value to coerce
add: seconds to add to value
subtract: seconds to subtract from value
datetime.datetime: coerced value
parsed: t.Optional[datetime.datetime] = dt_parse(value, allow_none=True)
add: t.Optional[datetime.timedelta] = coerce_delta(add)
subtract: t.Optional[datetime.timedelta] = coerce_delta(subtract)
if isinstance(add, datetime.timedelta):
parsed = parsed or dt_now()
parsed += add
if isinstance(subtract, datetime.timedelta):
parsed = parsed or dt_now()
parsed -= subtract
return parsed